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TTC Club Nights

Tuesday Club Nights

Tuesday is our regular club night. Meetings are held in our club rooms? in Moncrieff Street, off Elizabeth Street, off Kent Terrace.

1 May Tramping in the 1920s and 1930s

Kirstie Ross, History Curator at Te Papa, gives us an insight into what tramping was like for this tough, intrepid breed of explorers so many years ago.

8 May New Zealand back country in virtual 3D

Come along and check out where you've been or where you'd like to go with Roger Smith of Geographx(approve sites). Since Roger spoke to us a couple of years ago, the technology has improved and is now more flexible and powerful, so it will be an impressive show. Another point of interest is that Geographx has produced several books. These include The Geographic Atlas of New Zealand, which was a finalist in the Montana book awards last year, and Tramping in New Zealand, in association with Sean Barnett, another popular book, (which has just been purchased for our library.)

15 May Wednesdays in the Tararuas and Orongorongos

David Ogilvie shows us some photos he's taken on Wednesday trips. Revisit some of your favourite haunts or discover some you've never been to.

22 May TTC Auction

Yes, the TTC has its own Trade Me. We are having an auction like the old days and a car boot sale for pre-loved gear. It is time we walked the talk and recycled our gear. You may make a direct sale with the buyer at the car boot stalls, or have our famous auctioneer Maurie Perry auction the gear, in which case the funds will go to the Club. Come on, clear out your clutter and bring it to the club and watch it go to someone who will love it. See Alison Handley or Mary Inglis for details.

29 May Exploring the Lawley River in the Kimberley region of North West Australia

Join Paddy Gresham as he describes a 12 day walk down the Lawley River to the coast in this remote and beautiful part of Australia. The principal objective of the trip was to look for Australian Rock Art and particularly the ancient paintings known as the "Bradshaws" which were painted some 17,000 years ago by early aboriginals. As far as could be established this trip was the first traverse of the river by Europeans.

5 June No speaker

No speaker as it's the Tuesday after Queen's Birthday Weekend, but the Club rooms will be open.

12 June Winter Activities Night

It's that time of year to hit the ski slopes or climb a mountain, and to ease you into the season of winter sports the club is running an activities night. Come and hear experienced people talk about their previous skiing? and alpine climbing adventures and catch a whiff of the action this year. Bring along a friend or prospective member and get a double dose. There will be a $2.00 door charge to cover the cost of the gluhwein.

The Format for Tuesday Evenings is

  • Supper available from 7.40 pm - 8.00 pm
  • General business 8.00 pm - 8.15 pm
  • Speaker 8.15 pm - 9.00 pm
  • Trip organisation/socialising 9.00 pm - 9.30 pm
  • There is a $2 door charge.

We welcome new faces at our meetings, and there are always club members available to provide newcomers with information and any answer questions they may have.

Previous Club Night tramping reports can be found here?.

Can you, or someone you know, keep us entertained or informed?
Our Tuesday night programme organiser, is keen to hear from anyone who would like to be considered as a Tuesday night speaker/presenter.
The club can provide assistance for speakers including slide or data projectors.

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tahi Page last modified on 2016 Jul 26 19:21

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