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Table DB To Do List

This list is simple. Higher priority items are placed near the top. Please add comment if you want me to change priorities. You can add to this list.

March 20, 2010

  • aliases could be required
  • captions should not count as a row
  • headers on top of tables can be column names in db or

we could make an attribute that specifies top row is column names

  • setup data types
  • read data from memory into sqlite db
  • setup syntax for queries
  • devise way to combine query with/display results

  • create simple info attribute to display data about the tables such as number of rows and columns, etc.
  • setup routines for a select statement
    • make function - given a string determine what column is in a table based upon exact match of a cell contents - such as 'date' - if no match present error message.
    • make function to get number of rows and columns in a table
      • Store as $TDBTables[$PageName][<Table Number>]['Rows'] = <num>
      • Store as $TDBTables[$PageName][<Table Number>]['Cols'] = <num>
    • routine to sort rows for presentation based on a column
    • keeping syntax simple
      • select based on column number - select=2 order='descending' limit=12
      • select based on string - select='date' order='ascending' limit=3
      • dateformat is "yyyy-mm-dd" but maybe allow other formats
      • keywords are prefixed with TDB - add keywords TDBNext, TDBFuture
  • allow rows parameter in wiki to be comma seperated list and or a range such as '1,3,7,9' or '1-3,6'
  • make routines that will provide information such as the number of tables in the table array or the number of tables in the data array.
  • make routines to write a table to a pmwiki page

May 13, 2007

I think we should look at extracting the data out now you have achieved so much in extracting it from the page, and then displaying it.

I'm thinking of retrieving specific rows(approve sites), select(approve sites), from, and where. (See also TableDB(approve sites) - SQL key words are in purple).

Then some sort of formatting/output.
My current end goal this the next club night(approve sites), and all future club nights(approve sites) (see design notes(approve sites)).

I think this is going to have to be simple (eg output same row as was read, because I'm aware you have reached my budget. Maybe one day in the future a PmWiki:Page List Template might be possible, but for not simply selecting the rows would be great.

thanks very much, Simon


May 10, 2007

-fixup code for ordinary tables

-add table type to array data somewhere

-combine table locating/count between ordinary tables and table directive tables

  • Develop attribute routines for Table Directives
    • page
    • anchor
    • table
    • row
    • column
  • Here are some of the table directives
  • Find table by anchor in page
  • Make similar routines for ordinary tables which use |||| syntax

May 3, 2007

  • start coding routines for ordinary tables - can be viewed on page test2
  • fix bug where pmwiki is interpreting [[<<]] as a hyperlink when it is inside a table and re-displayed using (:tabledb display=pagename:)
  • Store and preserve attributes so the tables will look the same when written out.

tahi Page last modified on 2016 Jul 26 19:15

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