How do I display on a PmWiki page part of a topographic map of New Zealand using the official LINZ's 1:50,000 / Topo50 and 1:250,000 / Topo250 maps, as well as 1:25,000 / Topo25 maps for some of the offshore islands?
This recipe generates the markup for's ability to share and embed the topo map
To embed a map frame from NZTopoMap, find thelocation on the website, click on "Share Map", in the sidebar near the top click on the button after "Copy link to share map".
Place this link in the page, and wrap it with %embed%...%% or %map%...%% wikistyle:
%map height=400px% [[,174.811448&z=15 | my map]] %%
If the link URL contains "&pin=1" but not "&lbl=", then link text will become the label of the pin.
To embed GPX or KML tracks, attach them to the page with [[Attach:sample.gpx]] or otherwise link to them, then wrap them in the wikistyles "map nztopo":
Place the directive, as described below, in your PmWiki page.
You can specify a locale as a decimal WGS84 latitude and longitude (ll), in NZTM coordinates (nzne), as a Topo50 map reference (mapref), or specify a publicly accessible the URL of a gpx or kml file to overlay on the map (kml, gmx).
The scale of the map, but not the image, will automatically resize to the area covered by the kml / gpx data,
or you can optionally specify the map zoom factor and the image size (height and width) to control the area of the map shown.
You can specify bounds of an area, by latitude and longitude (llbs), or NZTM coordinates (nzbs).
The recipe will resize the map image based on the size of the rectangle defined by the bounds and the zoom scale factor.
You can optionally specify to show a pin marker (pin), and again optionally show a tool tip label for the marker (label).
The recipe provides a page variable {$NZTopoVersion} which contains the current version, and $NZTopo for a (:if enabled NZTopo:) recipe installation check.
To select the map area:
(:nztopo ll=latitude,longitude
For the bounds llbs and nzbs parameters only two coordinates need to be supplied, but they take any number of coordinates.
If a user had a bunch of coordinates they're interested in they don't need to manually calculate the two corner points to pass in themselves.
Passing in all of them and allows the map work out what the bounding box is, e.g. they might have 10 waypoints from a tramp - they can just pass all 10 coordinates in and the map will adjust its bounds to make sure all 10 waypoint coordinates are visible.
Zoom 5 to 12 show the Topo250 map series and zoom 13 to 15 show the Topo50.
The API for specifying a gpx file differs from that for specifying a kml file.
See the recipe's code for the extra handling required to use the API with a kml file.
Use a recipe version earlier than 2022-01-07 for PHP versions earlier than PHP 7.
Web server
For this recipe to work your web server must be able to serve gpx and kml files.
You will need to add the media types
2022-02-22 can attach wiki files (thanks Petko), strings must be quoted
2022-01-15 filename can now be a PmWiki page name, revise quoted string regex
2022-01-07 strict_types=1, use type hints, use <figure>, implement caption
2021-06-18 Fix incorrect placement of "-" in regex for PHP 7.4;
2021-04-21 Caption, inline-block
2018-07-10 Don't generate zoom parameter when llbs or nzbs
2018-05-14 Call topomap with https
2018-05-12 Make PHP 7.2 compatible
2015-07-01 gpx and kml now work, improve code, production ready
2014-08-09 Make PHP 5.5 compatible
Edit -History -Recent Changes -WikiHelp -Search -?Subject="KiwiWiki: NZ Topo"&Body="From KiwiWiki: NZ Topo (http://kiwiwiki [period] co [period] nz/Cookbook/NZTopo) - Use [[https://www [period] topomap [period] co [period] nz/ to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website" | email page as link ]]