add Cookbook page
PmWiki Cookbook
Extension tests
Recipe tests
- Add Photo display and test two methods of adding photos to a page
- Approve Sites Test Url Approvals password protected approvesites action
- Attachlist Enhanced Test Cookbook:AttachlistEnhanced
- Attachments List pages with attachments
- Auto Tel Testing the AutoTel recipe, see the PmWiki Cookbook:AutoTel
- Blocks Test wiki blocks and wiki styles
- Bold Markup Testing the '* and '~ markup
- Caption Test of Cookbook:Thumblist captions
- Category Testing the PmWiki:Category function
- Chord Pro Testing modified Cookbook.ChordPro recipe
- Chord Pro Original Testing original Cookbook:ChordPro recipe
- Column Testing the Cookbook:Column recipe
- Convert HTML Test Cookbook:ConvertHTML
- Custom Page Variables test Cookbook:MoreCustomPageVariables
- De Ob Mail Testing PmWiki:Cookbook/DeObMail
- Dimensions Fix thumb image size to a maximum dimension
- Diâcritic Testing diacritics
- Embed Facebook Testing the Cookbook:EmbedFacebook recipe, see EmbedFacebook
- Ftime Testing ftime
- Gpx Stat Testing the GpxStat recipe. See PmWiki Cookbook:GpxStat
- HTML Entities Testing the display of HTML character entity references(approve sites)
- Icon Link Testing the Cookbook.IconLink recipe
- Inter Map Testing the InterMap
- Link Icons Testing the Cookbook:LinkIcons recipe
- Lists Testing the Lists
- Markup Testing markup
- Mācrōn Testing the Cookbook:Mācrōn recipe
- NZ DoC Testing the Cookbook:NZDoC recipe, see NZDoC
- NZ DoC-Campsites Testing the Cookbook:NZDoC recipe, see NZDoC
- NZ DoC-Huts Testing the Cookbook:NZDoC recipe, see NZDoC
- NZ DoC-Tracks Testing the Cookbook:NZDoC recipe, see NZDoC
- NZ Topo-APE Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- NZ Topo-Attach Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- NZ Topo-Attach-Errors Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- NZ Topo-Boxes Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- NZ Topo-Wishlist Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- NZ Topo-Zoom Testing the Cookbook:NZTopo recipe, see NZTopo
- Page 2 Testing Cookbook:ThumbList
- Page 3 Testing Cookbook:ThumbList
- Page 4 Testing Cookbook:ThumbList
- Page Name placeholder for PageName links
- Page Table Of Contents Testing the Cookbook:PageTableOfContents recipe
- Random Image Select an image randomly from all pages with images and display
- Recent Uploads Log Testing the Cookbook:RecentUploadsLog recipe
- Rowspan In Simple Tables Cookbook:RowspanInSimpleTables examples
- Sandbox Test sandbox
- Search Cloud Testing the Cookbook.SearchCloud and Cookbook:SearchCloud recipe
- Simple Recipe Template Testing the Cookbook:SimpleRecipeTemplate recipe, see SimpleRecipeTemplate
- Subgroup Attributes, Insecure Page Showing page does not inherit security attributes from parent page
- Subgroup Markup Testing the Cookbook:SubgroupMarkup recipe
- Subgroup Markup, Sub 1 first sub page of SubgroupMarkup
- Test Embed Test embeded documents from Google
- Testtest Testing the Testtest? recipe. See PmWiki Cookbook:Testtest
- Text Extract Testing the Cookbook:TextExtract recipe
- Thumb Some tests with Thumb
- Thumbgallery Testing Cookbook:Thumblist
- Thumblist Testing Cookbook:Thumblist
- Thumblist Diacritics Testing the Cookbook:ThumblistDiacritics recipe
- Thumblist Image Template Testing Cookbook:Thumblist ImageTemplate
- Thumblist Order Testing the Cookbook:ThumbList recipe
- Thumblist Orientation Testing Cookbook:ThumbList orientation of photos
- Toggle Test of the Cookbook:Toggle recipe
- Total Counter Testing the Cookbook:TotalCounter recipe
- Upload Name Chars Adding to valid file name characters
- Uploads Testing the Cookbook:Uploads recipe
- Url Approvals URLs approved for display
- Петко
KiwiWiki sourced Cookbook recipe PmWiki addons and extensions
Cookbook recipes
Insect sculpture on Ikeda building
Photo: Jim