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Card Games

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Photo: Simon

Card Games

Up and down the River

A trick based game that requires players to bid for exactly the number of tricks the player is going to win. Highest score wins.

Players: 2 or more, best played with 3 to 6 players
Cards: One 52 card pack, no jokers, aces high
Setup: The entire pack of cards is used excluding the jokers. The card after the last one dealt is turned upwards to signify tramps, or no-trumps if it is an Ace.

If there is no remaining card the last card dealt is place face up on the table until it is played.

Dealing: Up the river: Starting at three, and sequentially increasing until there are insufficient cards to deal to everyone, or to an arbitrary limit, deal a hand clockwise one card at a time.

Down the river: Starting with the same number of cards as the maximum sized hand, and sequentially decreasing to three, deal a hand clockwise one card at a time.

Bidding: It is helpful to score using a pen and paper.

Before each round of play commences the scorer asks each player, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, how many tricks they estimate they will win, from zero to the number of cards in the hand. The dealer is the last player to estimate, and cannot estimate a number where the sum of all tricks bid for is the same as the number of cards in the hand for the round.

Play: The player to left of the dealer starts the round, and play continues clockwise. Each player must play a card of the suit lead if they have a card of that suit. If not players can trump, or discard and card.

The winner of the trick leads the next trick.

Scoring: each player advised the scorer of the number of tricks that the won. Scoring is as follows:
Zero bid: 5 points plus a point for each card in the round
Non-zero bid: 10 points play 1 point for each trick won by the player
Winner: Player with the highest score at the end of the game


A Patience style game that requires players to discard their dealt hand.

Players: 2 or more
Cards: one 52 card pack, no jokers, aces high


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