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Table DB





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Test 6

Read all tables in

(:tabledb action=read page="TableDB.ReadTable6" table=1:)
(:tabledb action=read page="TableDB.ReadTable6" table=2 alias='joe':)
(:tabledb action=read page="TableDB.ReadTable7" alias='fred':)
(:tabledb action=show what=aliasnames:)

Function TableDBRead() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable6][1]

Function TableDBRead() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable6][2]

Function TableDBRead() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable7][]

Display table joe

(:tabledb action=show page="TableDB.ReadTable6" table=1:)
(:tabledb action=show alias='joe':)

Function TableDBDisplayTable() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable6][1]
Check for prior 'action=read' and other parameters are correct.

Function TableDBDisplayTables() : Function TableDBDisplayTables: Alias 'joe' does not exist.

Display table 7

(:tabledb action=show page="TableDB.ReadTable7" table=8:)

Function TableDBDisplayTable() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable7][8]
Check for prior 'action=read' and other parameters are correct.

Display table from anchor

(:tabledb action=show page="TableDB.ReadTable7" table="#last":)

Function TableDBDisplayTable() : Could not find table [TableDB.ReadTable7][#last]
Check for prior 'action=read' and other parameters are correct.

tahi Page last modified on 2016 Jul 26 19:38

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