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Visitor's book Site map pmwiki-2.3.37

KWTL Question Vars

Category: Extensions

(:pagelist group=Trips fmt="Test/TTCTLQuestionVars#testcaption" list=normal count=2 wrap=none:)
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group=* name= count=1 order=random

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group=* name= count=4 order=random


Filename = '2024-10-01 09.24.08 P1070605 Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley'

Filename = '2024-03-01 05.44.44 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr'

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    <hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php: '2024-06-30'
    conf[]: akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, =dir, =url, KWTLQuestionVarsHidden
    Array ( [debugKWTLQuestionVars] => true [=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/KWTLQuestionVars [=url] => [KWTLQuestionVarsHidden] => hidden )



    theFilename: '"2024-10-01 09.24.08 P1070605 Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theDate: '"2024-10-01"; "09.24.08 P1070605 Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theTime: '"09.24.08"; "P1070605 Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theDevice: '""; "P1070605 Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theImageIdentifier: '"P1070605"; "Philip - view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    thePhotographer: '"Philip"; "view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theJunk: '""; "view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theSuffix: '""; "view down slip into the South Huxley"'
    theFilename: '"2024-03-01 05.44.44 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    theDate: '"2024-03-01"; "05.44.44 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    theTime: '"05.44.44"; "S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    theDevice: '"S20+"; "Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    theImageIdentifier: '""; "Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    thePhotographer: '"Simon"; "Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge_cr"'
    theJunk: '""; "Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge"'
    theSuffix: '"cr"; "Jim, Adrian, and Kevin in the Auckland departure lounge"'
    theFilename: '"2020-08-03 15.57.27 LG6 Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theDate: '"2020-08-03"; "15.57.27 LG6 Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theTime: '"15.57.27"; "LG6 Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theDevice: '"LG6"; "Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theImageIdentifier: '""; "Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    thePhotographer: '"Simon"; "Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theJunk: '""; "Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theSuffix: '""; "Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls"'
    theFilename: '"2022-03-07 09.11.04 IMG_0300 Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theDate: '"2022-03-07"; "09.11.04 IMG_0300 Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theTime: '"09.11.04"; "IMG_0300 Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theDevice: '""; "IMG_0300 Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theImageIdentifier: '"IMG_0300"; "Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    thePhotographer: '"Brian"; "Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theJunk: '""; "Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theSuffix: '""; "Waiho River Bridge from Callery track"'
    theFilename: '"2023-08-28 09.52.48 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    theDate: '"2023-08-28"; "09.52.48 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    theTime: '"09.52.48"; "S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    theDevice: '"S20+"; "Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    theImageIdentifier: '""; "Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    thePhotographer: '"Simon"; "Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch"'
    theJunk: '""; "Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge"'
    theSuffix: '"stitch"; "Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge"'
    theFilename: '"day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
    theDate: '""; "day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
    theTime: '""; "day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
    theDevice: '""; "day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
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    theJunk: '""; "day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
    theSuffix: '""; "day07-010-dsc00455-jrs"'
    theFilename: '"2019-01-17 10.45.53 Panorama Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    theDate: '"2019-01-17"; "10.45.53 Panorama Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    theTime: '"10.45.53"; "Panorama Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    theDevice: '""; "Panorama Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    theImageIdentifier: '"Panorama"; "Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    thePhotographer: '"Simon"; "view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    thePanoramaSignifier: '""; "view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch"'
    theJunk: '""; "view across Murdock Creek to our route down"'
    theSuffix: '"stitch"; "view across Murdock Creek to our route down"'


    display a random image

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    group={$$group} name={$$name} count={$$count} order={$$order}

    (:template each:)


    group=Trips name= count=8 order=random


    Filename = '2020-08-03 15.57.27 LG6 Simon - Adrian and Jim at the top of McDougalls'

    Filename = '2022-03-07 09.11.04 IMG_0300 Brian -Waiho River Bridge from Callery track'

    Filename = '2023-08-28 09.52.48 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside the Lodge_stitch'

    Filename = 'day07-010-dsc00455-jrs'

    Filename = '2019-01-17 10.45.53 Panorama Simon - view across Murdock Creek to our route down_stitch'

    tahi Page last modified on 2024 Jul 30 17:46

    Edit - History - Recent Changes - WikiHelp - Search - email page as link -> mailto:?Subject="KiwiWiki: KWTL Question Vars"&Body=