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Home PageWhy a wiki?A wiki is a content management system, that is to say it provides the ability to create and organise website pages. "PmWiki" is the content management software used, it has a template based page layout, easy text based editing, and is straight forward to install, update, and administer. What we do
What is importantYour website is about
ContentContent is what brings visitors to your site, keeps them on your site, and brings them back to your site. Content is value. Content needs to be current, well written, and with a navigational structure or network. NavigationNavigation is how people use your site. Visitors to your site want to be able to find what they need quickly and easily. To find information, it must be present - see content above, and ideally located obviously and with a minimum of clicking and page refreshes. This is where a wiki comes into its own. As well as a mandatory search function, any or all of an index, site map, categories (or tags), menus such as a sidebar, topbar, or similar, assist in finding out what is available and where, hyperlinks provide a network of cross references to enable people browsing to follow their own interests. A list Apart Community(approve sites)
Building a successful online community(approve sites)
Participation Inequality(approve sites) Encouraging more users to contribute
How little do users read(approve sites)
Designing for the web(approve sites)
8 Ways to Show Design Changes Improved the User Experience(approve sites)
The Shape of Design(approve sites)
10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design(approve sites)
UtilityCan your visitors (customers, group members)
Do your visitors (customers, group members)
Layout and structureA familiar paradigm for your website will assist your visitors to find the information, products, and services they want, from you. A good starting point is the following template, which can be varied as required.
The logo shows your branding, and facilitates navigation back to the home page.
Variations on structure can include
Practices to avoid
Good practices
To comereaders and writersstandardsaccessibility
tahi Page last modified on 2014 Nov 26 14:12
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