This redefines the default page list output for pmwiki.org. Basically we redefine the list to include any summary that may exist for the page.
(:template first {=$Group}:)
:[[{=$Groupspaced}/]] /:
(:template each:)
: :[[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary} -]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#default list=normal count=7:)
A bullet list of groups (will not work with count=...).
(:template default order=title name={$DefaultName}:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)
(:if09 equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$Group}/ | {=$Groupspaced}]]
* [[{=$Group}/ | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:pagelist fmt=#groupspaced list=normal count=16:)
(:template default order=title name=HomePage:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)
Use the parameter trail
to set the return or parent page.
If not set it will default to the group of the pagelist.
(:template default wrap=inline trail="{*$Groupspaced}" :)
(:template first:)
%comment%** [-"{$$trail}" '''{*$FullName}'''-]
(:template each:)
%comment%-> [-- {=$FullName} --] (:if equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)✓(:ifend:) [-(:if ontrail {$$trail} {=$FullName}:)''ontrail''(:ifend:)-]
(:if09 equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)
%wikitrail%[[ {<$FullName} | {<$Titlespaced} ]] < '*[[{$$trail}]]*' > [[{>$FullName} | {>$Titlespaced} ]]
(:template none:)
%wikitrail%#grouptrail: group={$$group} name={$$name} trail={$$trail}
(:pagelist group={*$Group} list=all fmt=#grouptrail:)
(:template default wrap=inline trail="Site" :)
(:template first:)
** "{$$trail}" Site.LocalTemplates
(:template each:)
-> {=$FullName}
(:template none:)
#grouptrail: group={$$group} name={$$name} trail={$$trail}
#grouptrail: group=Site name= trail=Site
A simple bullet list of page title and summary.
(:template each:)
(:if09 equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Groupspaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}-]
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}-] [-- ([[{=$Groupspaced}]])--]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#pages list=normal count=8:)
Use the parameter TrailPage
to set the return or parent page.
If not set it will default to the group of the pagelist.
(:template default wrap=inline TrailPage="{*$Groupspaced}" name=-HomePage,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SideBar,-*Template*,-GroupHeader,-GroupFooter,-GroupAttributes:)
(:template each:)
(:if00 false:)-< [-- *'{*$FullName}' ='{=$FullName}' --](:if00end:)
(:if09 equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)
%wikitrail%[[{<$FullName} | {<$Titlespaced}]] < '*[[{$$TrailPage}]]*' > [[{>$FullName}| {>$Titlespaced}]]
(:template none:)
%wikitrail%pagetrail: group={$$group} name={$$name} trail={$$trail} TrailPage={$$TrailPage}
(:pagelist group={*$Group} list=all fmt=#pagetrail:)
(:template default wrap=inline TrailPage="Site" name=-HomePage,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SideBar,-*Template*,-GroupHeader,-GroupFooter,-GroupAttributes:)
(:template each:)
(:template none:)
pagetrail: group={$$group} name={$$name} trail={$$trail} TrailPage={$$TrailPage}
display a random image
(:template default order=random count=1 group=Trips if="attachments" list=normal:)
(:template each:)
(:thumblist captionfmt='?x_kwcaption' titlefmt='?x_kwtitle' {=$FullName} px={$$px} link=2 order=random count=1 skip="*.png|*.gif":)
(:pagelist fmt=#randomimage list=normal count=8 px=128:)
(:template default order=random count=1 group=Trips if="attachments" list=normal:)
(:template each:)
Bruce cooking breakfast
Photo: Philip
Simon at Auckland Airport
Photo: Jim
Map Day 1
Us all at Kura Tāwhiti
Photo: Philip
Quail Flat Homestead
Photo: Brian
Adrian, Kevin, and Jim at the Yakebitaiyama Nr 1 Gondole top station
Photo: Simon
(:template defaults order=-time name=-GroupAttributes,-Site.AllRecentChanges,-Site.LastChanged,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SiteAdmin.Blocklist-*:)
(:template first:)
||width=* style="font-size:smaller;"
||!Page ||!Time ||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' ||[-[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]-] ||(:if !equal {=$LastModifiedBy}:)[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] (:ifend:) ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||
(:pagelist fmt=#recentchanges count=10:)
(:template defaults order=-time name=-GroupAttributes,-Site.AllRecentChanges,-Site.LastChanged,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SiteAdmin.Blocklist-*:)
(:template first:)
(:template each:)
pagetrail: group=Site name=19*,20*,-*day?,-*day??,-*maps trail= TrailPage=Site
(+148) ||
(:template defaults trail=Site.AllRecentChanges:)
(:template first:)
||width=* style="font-size:smaller;"
||!Page ||! Time||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' ||[-[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]-] ||(:if !equal {=$LastModifiedBy}:)[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] (:ifend:) ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||
(:pagelist fmt=#recentlychanged count=10:)
(:template defaults trail=Site.AllRecentChanges:)
(:template first:)
(:template each:)
pagetrail: group=Site name=19*,20*,-*day?,-*day??,-*maps trail= TrailPage=Site
(+148) ||
Simple bullet list of spaced page names, without the Group name.
* [[({=$Group}/){=$Namespaced}]]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#simplename list=normal count=8:)
Simple bullet list of page titles, without the Group name.
* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#simpletitle list=normal count=8:)
Site map?
showing number of pages
(:template first {=$Group}:)
!!! [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary} -]
(:template each:)
(:if09 ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :)
-< [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}|{=$Titlespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary} -]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#sitemap list=normal count=12:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)
(:template each:)
Site (24 pages) Website configuration
Header Wiki website page header
Outputs wiki page titles with spaces between the words in the title.
(:if09 equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}]]
[[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#titlename list=normal count=8:)
Outputs wiki page titles with spaces between the words in the title.
-< [[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#titlespaced list=normal count=8:)
A simple bullet list of page title and summary.
(:template each:)
(:if09 equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}-]
* [[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}-]
(:pagelist group={*$Group} fmt=#titlesummary list=normal count=8:)