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Local Templates


This redefines the default page list output for Basically we redefine the list to include any summary that may exist for the page.

(:template first {=$Group}:)

:[[{=$Groupspaced}/]] /:
(:template each:)
: :[[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary} -]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#default list=normal count=7:)

(:template first {=$Group}:)

{=$Groupspaced}? /

(:template each:)

{=$Namespaced}?  {=$:Summary}

Site /
Aotearoa  Site wide PmWiki:page text variables
Auth Form  
Auth User  
Edit Form  contains the edit page layout form
Edit Quick Reference  quick reference for editing pages
Footer  Website page footer
Header  Wiki website page header


A bullet list of groups (will not work with count=...).

(:template default order=title name={$DefaultName}:)
(:template first {=$Group}:)
(:if equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$Group}/ | {=$Groupspaced}]]
* [[{=$Group}/ | {=$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist fmt=#groupspaced list=normal count=16:)

(:template default order=title name=HomePage:) (:template first {=$Group}:)


Use the parameter trail to set the return or parent page. If not set it will default to the group of the pagelist.

(:template default wrap=inline trail="{*$Groupspaced}" :)
(:template first:)
%comment%** [-"{$$trail}" '''{*$FullName}'''-]
(:template each:)
%comment%-> [-- {=$FullName} --] (:if equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)✓(:ifend:) [-(:if ontrail {$$trail} {=$FullName}:)''ontrail''(:ifend:)-]
(:if equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)
%wikitrail%[[ {<$FullName} | {<$Titlespaced} ]] < '*[[{$$trail}]]*' > [[{>$FullName} | {>$Titlespaced} ]]

(:pagelist group={*$Group} list=all fmt=#grouptrail:)

(:template default wrap=inline trail="Site" :) (:template first:) ** "{$$trail}" Site.LocalTemplates (:template each:) -> {=$FullName}


A simple bullet list of page title and summary.

(:template each:)
(:if equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Groupspaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary}-]
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary}-] [--&nbsp;([[{=$Groupspaced}]])--]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#pages list=normal count=8:)

(:template each:)


Use the parameter TrailPage to set the return or parent page. If not set it will default to the group of the pagelist.

(:template default wrap=inline TrailPage="{*$Groupspaced}" name=-HomePage,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SideBar,-Template,-GroupHeader,-GroupFooter,-GroupAttributes:)
(:template each:)
(:if false:)-< [-- *'{*$FullName}' ='{=$FullName}' --](:ifend:)
(:if equal "{*$FullName}" "{=$FullName}":)
%wikitrail%[[{<$FullName} | {<$Titlespaced}]] < '*[[{$$TrailPage}]]*' > [[{>$FullName}| {>$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist group={*$Group} list=all fmt=#pagetrail:)

(:template default wrap=inline TrailPage="Site" name=-HomePage,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SideBar,-Template,-GroupHeader,-GroupFooter,-GroupAttributes:) (:template each:)


display a random image

(:template default order=random count=1 group=Trips if="attachments" list=normal:)
(:template each:)
(:thumblist captionfmt='?x_kwcaption' titlefmt='?x_kwtitle' {=$FullName} px={$$px} link=2 order=random count=1 skip="*.png|*.gif":)

(:pagelist fmt=#randomimage list=normal count=8 px=128:)

(:template default order=random count=1 group=Trips if="attachments" list=normal:) (:template each:)

Nagano outside railway station
Photo: Simon
2015-02-18 10.59.14; '2015 Feb 18 10:59'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 6,771 kB
2015-02-18 10.59.14 P1010706 Simon - Nagano outside railway station.jpeg
Nagano outside railway station

Photo: Simon

Jim on Arve
Photo: Simon
2018-01-25 11.34.53; '2018 Jan 25 11:34'
Original size: 4,608 x 3,456; 6,139 kB
2018-01-25 11.34.53 P1010950 Simon - Jim on Arve.jpeg
Jim on Arve

Photo: Simon

Putting Packs On At Road End
Photo: Brian
2022-07-30 14.57.14; '2022 Jul 30 14:57'
Original size: 5,472 x 3,648; 9,437 kB
2022-07-30 14.57.14 IMG_0400 Brian - putting packs on at road end.jpeg
Putting Packs On At Road End

Photo: Brian

Flying over Tone River
Photo: Anne
2017-01-10 16.28.12; '2017 Jan 10 16:28'
Original size: 4,608 x 3,456; 4,491 kB
2017-01-10 16.28.12 IMG_8168 Anne - flying over Tone River.jpeg
Flying over Tone River

Photo: Anne

Hakuba Information Bus terminal
Photo: Jim
2015-02-12 08.29.46; '2015 Feb 12 08:29'
Original size: 5,312 x 2,988; 4,763 kB
2015-02-12 08.29.46 Jim - Hakuba Information Bus terminal.jpeg
Hakuba Information Bus terminal

Photo: Jim

Brief stop in Temple Stream South Branch
Photo: Philip
2016-01-03 12.40.36; '2016 Jan 03 12:40'
Original size: 4,320 x 3,240; 5,811 kB
2016-01-03 12.40.36 P1040044 Philip - brief stop in Temple Stream South Branch.jpeg
Brief stop in Temple Stream South Branch

Photo: Philip


(:template defaults order=-time name=-GroupAttributes,-Site.AllRecentChanges,-Site.LastChanged,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SiteAdmin.Blocklist-*:)
(:template first:)
||width=* style="font-size:smaller;"
||!Page ||!Time ||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' ||[-[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]-] ||(:if !equal {=$LastModifiedBy}:)[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] (:ifend:) ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||

(:pagelist fmt=#recentchanges count=10:)

(:template defaults order=-time name=-GroupAttributes,-Site.AllRecentChanges,-Site.LastChanged,-RecentChanges,-RecentUploads,-SiteAdmin.Blocklist-*:) (:template first:)


(:template each:)



(:template defaults trail=Site.AllRecentChanges:)
(:template first:)
||width=* style="font-size:smaller;"
||!Page ||! Time||!By ||!Change ||
(:template each:)
||''[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' ||[-[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]-] ||(:if !equal {=$LastModifiedBy}:)[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] (:ifend:) ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||

(:pagelist fmt=#recentlychanged count=10:)

(:template defaults trail=Site.AllRecentChanges:) (:template first:)


(:template each:)



Simple bullet list of spaced page names, without the Group name.

* [[({=$Group}/){=$Namespaced}]]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#simplename list=normal count=8:)


Simple bullet list of page titles, without the Group name.

* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#simpletitle list=normal count=8:)


Site map? showing number of pages

(:template first {=$Group}:)
!!! [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [-&nbsp;{{=$Group}/$:Summary} -]
(:template each:)
(:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :)
-< [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}|{=$Titlespaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary} -]

(:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#sitemap list=normal count=12:)

(:template first {=$Group}:) #{=$Group}

{=$Groupspaced}? (0 pages)  {{=$Group}/$:Summary}

(:template each:)

{=$Titlespaced}?  {=$:Summary}

Site (24 pages)  Website configuration

Edit Form  contains the edit page layout form
Edit Quick Reference  quick reference for editing pages
Footer  Website page footer
Header  Wiki website page header
Image Template  Thumblist image template
Inter Map  InterMap link definition to other wikis, directories, and protocols
Old Website configuration  Website configuration


Outputs wiki page titles with spaces between the words in the title.

(:if equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
[[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}]]
[[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#titlename list=normal count=8:)


Outputs wiki page titles with spaces between the words in the title.

-< [[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#titlespaced list=normal count=8:)


A simple bullet list of page title and summary.

(:template each:)
(:if equal "{=$Title}" "Home Page":)
* [[{=$FullName} | {=$Groupspaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary}-]
* [[{=$FullName} | {=$Titlespaced}]] [-&nbsp;{=$:Summary}-]

(:pagelist group=Site fmt=#titlesummary list=normal count=8:)

(:template each:)

Based on original at Please make changes to the original

tahi Page last modified on 2024 Jun 03 09:14

Edit - History - Recent Changes - WikiHelp - Search - email page as link -> mailto:?Subject="KiwiWiki: Local Templates"&Body=