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2007-09-01 Renata Elder

for photos pages for maps page for photos pages for main page for day pages 2007-06-01 Whakapunake < Trips > 2008-01-12 Maungahuka add main page trail


We left Northland shortly after 8am, and Taita about 8.30. Arriving at the Akatarawa summit at 9.00, we dropped type pressures and tied everything down. Headed up Odlins Road about 9:20 for Kapakapanui car park, arriving at 10:25. Go away 10:35 and had an early lunch, at 12, at Renata Hut, with a brew, Philip went crackers, Brian bespoke, and Simon with the prepacked ham french stick.

It was a pleasant walk along the meandering ridge with the expected ups and downs, surrounded by good bush, along a barely used track.

As we ventured deeper into the ranges and closer to the Southern Crossing the uphill commenced and became steep and steady as got closer to our goal.

Arrived at the new 4 bunk Elder Hut in gale force winds about 3:30. Built apparently to maximum standards for wind, snow loading, and temperature, the hut is exposed to Northerlies with a gully below funnelling wind at the hut. Concreted into place with 3 tie downs, double glazing, and fully insulated, the hut resisted the weather, with no shaking or drafts, though the inside temperature didn't change much from 7° throughout the evening, despite running the stove for 4 hours for brews, cooking, washing up, and brews.

Dinner was a gourmet affair, le chef Brían, producing venison on a bed of rice, with fresh winter vegetables drizzled with a warm sesame and sweet chilli marinade. This was well followed by le chef pâtissier Philippe's steamed caramel or chocolat pudding with fruit on custard.


The wind abated early morning to a regular northerly and cloud, the temperature up around 9°!. A large brew of pog for breakfast got us set for the day. Before we left we scaled Elder (at least 10 metres above the hut), heading down from the hut at 8:35 in a cold northerly and cloud. The sun made a welcome appearance late morning as the forecast southerly fizzed out to nothing.

Phil's photos


2007-09-01 09.22.21-pc-Akatarua Start.jpeg: 1024x1280, 947k (2007 Sept 04 18:05)
09 22 21-pc-Akatarua Start
2007-09-01 09.40.58-pc-The Road to Kapakapanui Car Park.jpeg: 1024x1280, 883k (2007 Sept 04 18:06)
09 40 58-pc-The Road to Kapakapanui Car Park
2007-09-01 09.41.16-pc-The Road to Kapakapanui.jpeg: 1280x1024, 674k (2007 Nov 22 20:07)
09 41 16-pc-The Road to Kapakapanui
2007-09-01 10.33.56-pc-Kapakapanui Car Park.jpeg: 1280x1024, 1115k (2007 Sept 04 18:10)
10 33 56-pc-Kapakapanui Car Park
2007-09-01 11.11.41-pc-Renata Hut.jpeg: 1280x960, 1233k (2007 Sept 04 19:45)
11 11 41-pc-Renata Hut
2007-09-01 11.52.54-pc-Renata Hut 2.jpeg: 1280x960, 1044k (2007 Sept 04 19:46)
11 52 54-pc-Renata Hut 2
2007-09-01 13.14.33-pc-Typical Bush.jpeg: 960x1280, 1169k (2007 Sept 04 18:11)
13 14 33-pc-Typical Bush
2007-09-01 13.20.13-pc-Typical Bush 2.jpeg: 960x1280, 1134k (2007 Sept 04 18:11)
13 20 13-pc-Typical Bush 2
2007-09-01 13.23.24-pc-Interesting Plant Life.jpeg: 960x1280, 848k (2007 Sept 04 18:11)
13 23 24-pc-Interesting Plant Life
2007-09-01 13.35.16-pc-The Range.jpeg: 1280x960, 726k (2007 Sept 04 18:11)
13 35 16-pc-The Range
2007-09-01 13.35.35-pc-The Range 2.jpeg: 1280x960, 529k (2007 Sept 04 18:11)
13 35 35-pc-The Range 2
2007-09-01 14.09.23-pc-A Rest.jpeg: 960x1280, 1074k (2007 Sept 04 18:12)
14 09 23-pc-A Rest
2007-09-01 14.42.04-pc-Bush.jpeg: 1280x846, 829k (2007 Sept 04 18:13)
14 42 04-pc-Bush
2007-09-01 14.46.14-pc-Bush 2.jpeg: 960x1280, 1084k (2007 Sept 04 18:13)
14 46 14-pc-Bush 2
2007-09-01 15.35.51-pc-Elder Hut.jpeg: 1280x960, 721k (2007 Sept 04 18:13)
15 35 51-pc-Elder Hut


2007-09-02 07.11.01-pc-Simonap Elder.jpeg: 1280x960, 767k (2007 Sept 04 18:13)
07 11 01-pc-Simonap Elder
2007-09-02 07.11.48-pc-Philip and Brian at Elder.jpeg: 1280x960, 696k (2007 Sept 04 18:14)
07 11 48-pc-Philip and Brian at Elder
2007-09-02 08.20.25-pc-Conqueror of Elder Sir Edmund Carew.jpeg: 906x1280, 752k (2007 Sept 04 18:15)
08 20 25-pc-Conqueror of Elder Sir Edmund Carew

Simon's photos


2007-09-01 00.00.00-sed-16_0396.jpeg: 768x512, 98k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
00 00 00-Sed-16 0396
2007-09-01 00.00.00-sed-17_0395.jpeg: 768x512, 102k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-01 00.00.00-sed-18_0394.jpeg: 768x512, 73k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-01 00.00.00-sed-19_0393.jpeg: 768x512, 46k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-01 00.00.00-sed-20_0392.jpeg: 768x512, 50k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-02 00.00.00-sed-21_0391.jpeg: 512x768, 58k (2007 Sept 04 18:18)
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2007-09-02 00.00.00-sed-22_0390.jpeg: 512x768, 71k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-02 00.00.00-sed-24_0388.jpeg: 768x512, 86k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
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2007-09-02 00.00.00-sed-25_0387.jpeg: 768x512, 90k (2007 Sept 03 22:00)
00 00 00-Sed-25 0387

tahi Page last modified on 2023 Jan 28 17:21

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