add Test page
Pm Syntax
(redirected from Test.CodeMirror )
Edit this page to see the PmSyntax recipe in action.
Test also on PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex
* {$Titlespaced}
* {{$Name}$Titlespaced}
* {{$Group}.{$Name}$Titlespaced}
# {$:variable}
# {{$Name}$:variable}
# {{$Group}.{$Name}$:variable}
{*$variable}, {GroupName/PageName*$variable}
{*$:variable}, {GroupName.PageName*$:variable}
(:template each:)
{=$variable}, {<$variable}, {>$variable},
{=$:variable}, {<$:variable}, {>$:variable},
Pm Syntax
Pm Syntax
Pm Syntax
variable description
, {GroupName/PageName*$variable}
description, {GroupName.PageName*$:variable}
(:template each:)
{=$variable}, {<$variable}, {>$variable},
{=$:variable}, {<$:variable}, {>$:variable},
Normal text
'''''strong emphasis'''''
'*'~bold italic~'*' '~'*italic bold*'~'
''emphasis '''strong emphasis''' emphasis''
'''''strong emphasis ''' emphasis''
'''''strong emphasis '' strong'''
'''''' what happens here ''''''
'''''' or here
'' emphasis ''' emphasis strong '''''
''' strong '' emphasis strong '''''
z [+ a {- b {+ c [- d -] e +} f -} g +] h
'' one [+ two {+ three {- four '^five^' -} six +} seven +] ''''' eight [- nine -] '''
Normal text
strong emphasis
bold italic italic bold
emphasis strong emphasis emphasis
strong emphasis emphasis
strong emphasis strong
' what happens here '
or here
emphasis emphasis strong
strong emphasis strong
z a b c [- d -] e f g h
one two three four five six seven eight nine
[-small-], [--smaller--]
[+big+], [++bigger++]
'-small-', '+big+'
'^superscript^', '_subscript_'
{+inserted+} (underscore) {+inserted+}
{-deleted-} (strikethrough) {-deleted-} (strikethrough)
[@escaped code@]
[=escaped text=]
[=[[~skiwi]] 2015 Apr 12 10:52=] remove bracketing to test
[=[[~skiwi]]=] remove bracketing to test
small , smaller
big , bigger
small , big
superscript , subscript
inserted (underscore) inserted
deleted (strikethrough) deleted (strikethrough)
escaped code
escaped text
[[~skiwi]] 2015 Apr 12 10:52 remove bracketing to test
[[~skiwi]] remove bracketing to test
---- horizontal line
---- not a horizontal line
-> test \ join line \
test \\ line break \\
broken line
[[<<]] line break [[<]] clear left [[>]] clear right
-< with trailing spaces \\
with more trailing spaces \
showing markup effectivity
!!!!!! heading
!!!!!!! heading too
!!!! not a heading
horizontal line
---- not a horizontal line
test \ join line test \\ line break broken line
line break clear left > ? clear right
with trailing spaces \\
with more trailing spaces \
showing markup effectivity
! heading too
!!!! not a heading
* bullet
# number
#*#* check correct highlighting
** indented {+list+}
## indented {-bullet-}
-> indent
-< hanging '''indent'''
--> more ''indented''
--< more hanging indent
**** not a list
::subitem:definition list
:::subsubitem : definitionlist
:: not a definition list
*#* check correct highlighting
indented bullet
more indented
more hanging indent
**** not a list
definition list
subitem definition list
subsubitem definitionlist
:: not a definition list
[@ pre
[= prevent
(:article1 id=article class="glossary":)(:article1end:)
(:section2 id=s1:)(:section2end:)
right block
left block
!!! External links
[["tool tip"]]|is this a caption
[[ | link text]]|or is this?
[[link text ->]] | [-caption-]
[[link text ->]]continued
!!! Page links
[[page name]]
[[page (name)]]
[[PageName | link text]] or [[Page Name | [link text] ]]
[[PageName | + ]] (titled link)
[[PageName | # ]] (anonymous numerical reference link)
[[PageName"tool tip"]]
[[link text -> PageName]]
[[#anchor]] (to create an anchor)
[[#anchor | link text]] (to refer to an anchor)
[[anchor | # ]] (anonymous numerical reference link)
[[PageName#anchor | link text]] (to refer to an anchor in another page)
!!! WikiGroup links
[[GroupName/]] or [[Group name/]]
[[GroupName"tool tip"]]
[[GroupName/PageName]] or [[GroupName/page name]]
[[(GroupName.)page name]]
[[~Author Name]]
[[~Author Name | +]]
[[~Author Name | #]]
[[~Author Name | link text]]
[[~Author Name"tool tip"]]
[[!Category Name]]
!!! [[PmWiki/InterMap]] links
Attach:LinkImageExample.png"link image example"
Attach:LinkImageExample.png|[-Link image example 1-]
[[Attach:LinkImageExample.png"link image example"]]
[[Attach:LinkImageExample.png]]|[-Link image example 2-]|[-caption 1-]
[[{$FullName} |]]|[- caption 2 -]
%comment% comment to end of line
%comment newwin% another comment to eol
%newwin comment% comment to eol
before %comment% a comment %% and after
before %comment newwin% a comment %% after
start %newwin comment% a comment %% end
comment to end of line
another comment to eol
comment to eol
before a comment and after
before a comment after
start a comment end
(:comment this is a comment:) followed by text
(:commentthis is not a comment:) followed by text
followed by text
(:commentthis is not a comment:) followed by text
this is a comment
>>comment<< ''not a comment''
>>this is a comment here<< ''inside a comment''
>>this is notacomment<< ''not a comment here''
>>comment<< not a comment
inside a comment
||[[PmWiki/Tables]] |||| '''test''' || '''simple'''||''table''||
|| '''Document Info''' ||||
|| ''Category''||[[!FAQ]] ||
|| ''Modified''||{$LastModified}||
|| ''[[{$Name}?action=diff | by]]''||{$LastModifiedBy}||
Tables test simple table
Document Info
Category FAQ
Modified 2024 Apr 28 15:06
by skiwi
(:table class="tabtable":)
(:headnr:) Heading content
!!! heading cell content
'''new row content'''
(:cell:) ''cell content''
(:cellnr colspan=2:)
||!Test: ||example||with: colon ||
||Test: ||example||without colon ||
Heading content
heading cell content
new row content
cell content
Test: example with: colon
Test: example without colon
Combination markup
{+''inserted italic''+}
'''[-bold smaller-]'''
inserted italic
bold smaller
(:include PageName:)
(:include PageName#start#end lines=n paras=n:)
(:include PageName1 PageName2 PageName3:)
Attach:image.png, Attach:"my doc.docx", Attach:''
Path:/pathto/filename.ext, news:, gopher:, nap:, file:, tel:+64-00-0000-0000, geo:
(:redirect PageName#anchor status=301 from=name quiet=1:)
(:description a broad range of tests for CodeMirror:)
(:keywords CodeMirror, test:)
Used by Code Mirror
Attach:image.png Δ , Attach:"my doc.docx", Attach:''
Path:/pathto/filename.ext , news:, gopher:, nap:, file:, tel:+64-00-0000-0000 , geo:
(:redirect PageName#anchor status=301 from=name quiet=1:)
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\autotelnew.php: 2024-04-10new
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visualSeparator: (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;)
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closParen: (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) )
countryCode: (\+\d{1,3})
countryCodeSep: (?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? )
areaCodeMobl: ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?)
areaCodeLand: ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?)
serviceCode: (0[58]\d{2,2})
subscriberNumberMobile: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4})
subscriberNumberLand: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3})
srve: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))[\(]? (0[58]\d{2,2}) (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
mobl: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
land: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) )? (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\totalcounter.php : 2025-01-22 using "wiki.d" with action=browse, log=1, IP lookup: 1
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\nztoponew.php : '2024-04-10new'
markup : '/\(:nztopo\s+?((?:ll=[+-]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+[,][+-]?[1]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+)|(?:llbs=[+-]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+[,][+-]?[1]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+(?:[;][+-]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+[,][+-]?[1]?\d{1,2}[.]\d+)+)|(?:kml=(?:(?<q1>\'|\")(?:https?:\/\/.*)\k<q1>|(?<q2>\'|\"|)(?:(?:[-~,[:alnum:]\x80-\xfe]+(?:\.|\/)){0,2}[-\w\.\, !=\+\#\x80-\xfe]+\.kml)\k<q2>|https?:\/\/[^\s]*))|(?:gpx=(?:(?<q6>\'|\"|)(?:(?:[-~,[:alnum:]\x80-\xfe]+(?:\.|\/)){0,2}[-\w\.\, !=\+\#\x80-\xfe]+\.gpx)\k<q6>|(?<q7>\'|\")(?:https?:\/\/.*)\k<q7>|https?:\/\/[^\s]*))|(?:nzne=\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?[,]\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?)|(?:nzbs=\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?[,]\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?(?:[;]\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?[,]\d{7}(?:[.]\d{0,3})?)+)|(?:mapref=(?<q8>\'|\"|)(?:[ABC][A-Z][0-4]\d[ ]?\d{6})\k<q8>)|(?:kml2=(?:(?<q3>\'|\")(?:https?:\/\/.*)\k<q3>|https?:\/\/[^\s]*))|(?:kml3=(?:(?<q4>\'|\")(?:https?:\/\/.*)\k<q4>|https?:\/\/[^\s]*))|(?:kml4=(?:(?<q5>\'|\")(?:https?:\/\/.*)\k<q5>|https?:\/\/[^\s]*)))\s*?(?:(height=\d{1,5}(?:px)?)\s*|(width=\d{1,5}(?:px)?)\s*|(pin=[01])\s*|(label=(?<q9>\'|\")(?:.+?)\k<q9>)\s*|(zoom=\d{1,2})\s*|(float=(?:left|right))\s*|(clear=(?:left|right|both))\s*){0,7}\s*?(?:(caption=(?<q10>\'|\")(?:.+?)\k<q10>)\s*){0,1}\s*?:\)/i'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\chordpronew.php : '2022-12-01new'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\nzdocnew.php : '2025-02-16new'
markup : '/\(:nzdoc\s*(?:(?:(id=(?:[0-9]{9}|[0-9\-a-f]{36}|(?:NZ|DOC)-[a-z]{3}|[\\&\’'\(\)\.\-\/a-zāēīōū]+))|(type=(?<q1>\'|\"|)(?:hut|track|campsite)\k<q1>)|(content=(?:alert|detail|region|all|dump|check|find|list))|(show=alert(s)?; #(?:[a-z]+,)*[a-z]+))\s*){1,4}(?:(?:(h=[12345])|(float=(?:left|right))|(clear=(?:left|right|both)))\s*){0,4}\s*:\)/i'
return : 'NZDoCnew'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiPlus\PmWikiPlus.php= 2024-08-19
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= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\MessagesReplacementnew\MessagesReplacementnew.php 2024-09-16new
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<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php : '2025-02-20'
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<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiInfo\PmWikiInfo.php : '2024-11-05'
conf[] :
akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, debugPmWikiInfo, stylesPmWikiInfo, =dir, =url
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] =>
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[stylesPmWikiInfo] =>
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiInfo
[=url] =>
PmWiki Info markup : '/\(:pmwikiinfo(.*)?:\)/i'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\autotelnew.php: 2024-04-10new
defaults: +64; 4; 0
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subscriberNumberLand: (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3})
srve: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))[\(]? (0[58]\d{2,2}) (?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
mobl: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{2}[\)] | [\(]? 0?\d{2}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{5}|\d{3,4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3,4}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
land: /(?:(?<![:=#0-9"'\]\)])|(?<![0-9\)]\s))(?:(?:(\+\d{1,3}) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ? ) ? ((?:[\(]0?\d{1}[\)] | [\(]? 0\d{1}(?:[\)]|[\)]?(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ) ) (?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) ?) )? (\d{3}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{4}|\d{4}(?:\s|[-]|\ |\&\#8209;) \d{3}) (?!\s?[0-9])/xi
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\totalcounter.php : 2025-01-22 using "wiki.d" with action=browse, log=1, IP lookup: 1
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\nztoponew.php : '2024-04-10new'
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D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\chordpronew.php : '2022-12-01new'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\cookbook\nzdocnew.php : '2025-02-16new'
markup : '/\(:nzdoc\s*(?:(?:(id=(?:[0-9]{9}|[0-9\-a-f]{36}|(?:NZ|DOC)-[a-z]{3}|[\\&\’'\(\)\.\-\/a-zāēīōū]+))|(type=(?<q1>\'|\"|)(?:hut|track|campsite)\k<q1>)|(content=(?:alert|detail|region|all|dump|check|find|list))|(show=alert(s)?; #(?:[a-z]+,)*[a-z]+))\s*){1,4}(?:(?:(h=[12345])|(float=(?:left|right))|(clear=(?:left|right|both)))\s*){0,4}\s*:\)/i'
return : 'NZDoCnew'
D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiPlus\PmWikiPlus.php= 2024-08-19
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confPmWikiPlus[=dir]= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiPlus
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confPmWikiPlus[enableRWSPN]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableSKNCH]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableSRTBL]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableURLAP]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableWFATM]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableWFDC]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRDF]= false
confPmWikiPlus[enableWFRSS]= false
confPmWikiPlus[muAtch]= true
confPmWikiPlus[muBrk]= true
confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCL]= true
confPmWikiPlus[muBrkCR]= true
confPmWikiPlus[muLnBold]= true
confPmWikiPlus[muLnItalic]= true
confPmWikiPlus[setBLKLST]= true
confPmWikiPlus[setBLKWHY]= true
confPmWikiPlus[setCOPYCD]= false
confPmWikiPlus[setGUIBTN]= true
confPmWikiPlus[setMRGLME]= false
param= enableCREOL $ EnableCreole not changed to ""
global= enableDBRCH $ EnableRCDiffBytes is already enabled (1)
global= enableDDMUP $ EnableUploadDrop set to "1"
global= enableDOBML $ LinkFunctions is already enabled (ObfuscateLinkIMap)
param= enableEDHLP $ EnableEditAutoText not changed to "1"
global= enableFIXUR $ EnableGuiEditFixUrl is already enabled (2000)
global= enableLOCTM $ EnableLocalTimes is already enabled (1)
global= enableNSAVW $ EnableNotSavedWarning is already enabled (1)
param= enablePMFRM $ EnablePmForm not changed to ""
global= enablePMSYN $ EnablePmSyntax is already enabled (2)
param= enablePVCHA $ EnablePreviewChanges not changed to "1"
param= enableRFCNT $ EnableRefCount not changed to ""
param= enableRWSPN $ EnableSimpleTableRowspan not changed to "1"
param= enableSKNCH $ EnableAutoSkinList not changed to "1"
param= enableSRTBL $ EnableSortable not changed to "1"
param= enableURLAP $ EnableUrlApprove not changed to ""
param= enableWFATM $ EnableFeeds atom not changed to ""
param= enableWFDC $ EnableFeeds dc not changed to ""
param= enableWFRDF $ EnableFeeds rdf not changed to ""
param= enableWFRSS $ EnableFeeds rss not changed to ""
global= setBLKLST $ EnableBlocklist is already enabled (10)
global= setBLKWHY $ EnableWhyBlocked is already enabled (1)
param= setCOPYCD $ EnableCopyCode not changed to "1"
global= setGUIBTN $ EnableGUIButtons is already enabled (1)
param= setMRGLME $ EnableMergeLastMinorEdit not changed to "1"
markup= muAtch Attach configured
markup= muBrk [[\\]] configured
markup= muBrkCL [[<]] configured
markup= muBrkCR [[>]] configured
markup= muLnBold '* *' configured
markup= muLnItalic '~ ~' configured
= D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\MessagesReplacementnew\MessagesReplacementnew.php 2024-09-16new
confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDebug] = off
confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementHeading] = on
confMessagesReplacement[MessagesReplacementDetail] = hide
confMessagesReplacement[=dir] = D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/MessagesReplacementnew
confMessagesReplacement[=url] =
<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\KWTLQuestionVars\KWTLQuestionVars.php : '2025-02-20'
conf[] :
akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, =dir, =url, KWTLQuestionVarsHidden
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] => true
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/KWTLQuestionVars
[=url] =>
[KWTLQuestionVarsHidden] => hidden
<hr>D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions\PmWikiInfo\PmWikiInfo.php : '2024-11-05'
conf[] :
akey: debugKWTLQuestionVars, debugPmWikiInfo, stylesPmWikiInfo, =dir, =url
[debugKWTLQuestionVars] =>
[debugPmWikiInfo] => false
[stylesPmWikiInfo] =>
[=dir] => D:\Home\KiwiWiki\pmwiki\extensions/PmWikiInfo
[=url] =>
PmWiki Info markup : '/\(:pmwikiinfo(.*)?:\)/i'
Nested markup
[[Test/ | ''test group'']]
:xxx: [[CodeMirror]] yyy [[HomePage]]
:xxx: [[CodeMirror]] yyy: [[HomePage]]
xxx: [[CodeMirror]] yyy: [[HomePage]]
xxx: [[CodeMirror]] yyy [[HomePage]]
xxx [[CodeMirror]] yyy: [[HomePage]]
xxx [[CodeMirror]] yyy [[HomePage]]
xxx:: [[CodeMirror]] yyy: [[HomePage]]
::xxx [[CodeMirror]] yyy: [[HomePage]]
||!Test: ||example||without colon ||
||Test: ||example||with: colon ||
Shouldn't be a link, no? file:
test group
xxx CodeMirror yyy HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy: HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy: HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy HomePage
Test: example without colon
Test: example with: colon
Shouldn't be a link, no? file:
!! Illustration for the PmWiki Cookbook page
Text in a paragraph can be formatted '''strong''', ''emphasis'', {+inserted+}, {-deleted-}, [+bigger+], [-smaller-], and '^superscript^', or '_subscript_'.
Lists and indentation of various types are highlighted:
* bullets
## numbers
:definition: lists
--> indentation
---< hanging indentation
[@Escaped code@], [=escaped text=], @@monospace@@, and %red%formatting%% can be seen, as can line joins \
and [[<<]] line breaks \\
not to mention the horizonal rule.
||! Simple tables ''work'' '''very''' nicely ||||
|| showing %red%highlighted%% || markup ||
(:div2 class=example:) Directives
themselves are coloured
(:table class='tabtable':)
(:cellnr:)Advanced table markup
(:cell:)is coloured
(:if true:)
>>block markup<<
is shown
Of course [[ | links]] of all [[#anchor|types]] show up.
A variety of {$variables} and {$:pagetextvariables} can be seen, and %comments% are grayed out%%. Another comment example is
Inside the comment.
Illustration for the PmWiki Cookbook page
Text in a paragraph can be formatted strong , emphasis , inserted , deleted, bigger , smaller , and superscript , or subscript .
Lists and indentation of various types are highlighted:
definition lists
hanging indentation
Escaped code
, escaped text, monospace
, and formatting can be seen, as can line joins and line breaks not to mention the horizonal rule.
Simple tables work very nicely
showing highlighted markup
themselves are coloured
Advanced table markup
is coloured
Of course links of all types show up.
A variety of and can be seen, and . Another comment example is