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Text Extract

MessagesReplacement version 2024-09-16new

Testing the Cookbook:TextExtract recipe

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On pages
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Match whole word
Match all
{(extract 'test')}

Search results for   test 1390 results on 155 pages from 1331 pages searched

Join the black out protest against it!"]]

While you can test and operate your website simply using an IP address,

You can see some examples here, and a test page here.

  • change all font-size: xxpt; to font-size: yyem; (see conversion(approve sites))

Extension tests
Recipe tests

  • the PmWiki test pages are a good place to do this
  • have an example of the issue on your wiki, or as a test page on PmWiki
  • provide one or more test cases
Demo: IconLink


Test files are

When loaded to in the 'share map' add KML / GPX overlay, this is the 'test on map' link generated by topomap

Can we develop some units tests for PmWiki, and for recipes, perhahs using HtmlUnit(approve sites) and PHPUnit(approve sites)


Review or test
Code reviewers or Beta testers are welcome.
Testing notes
Testing took place over several weeks.

  • tested page variables below

This page is Test.Diâcritic

by skiwi: test (+2)

This extension is inspired by the code snippet in Cookbook:Debugging For Cookbook Authors, and provides an enhanced, tried and tested, reusable version of this.

Extension tests

by Petko: (:thumb "Trips.2023-02-16Canada,TrailMaps/Whitewater trailmap_inside_22_23-01_-_glory_ridge.2400x1333p13x48_cr.png" usetemplate=1:) usetemplate Category: [[!Test]] (+25)
$[Displaying] {*$UpFile} Test (:noaction:)(:title {*$UpFile}:) {*$UpDirUpFile2} (+26)

Category: Test

Displaying Test

I created a test account and it's working ok.
Make sure you are not entering the admin password when testing the account because, if the password is equal to the admin password, it will authenticate directly through the config.php file and skip any other system.

see Test.PageIndex? {Test/PageIndex$:Summary}

The test backup was made in December, 2005 so it's named accordingly.

a full ZIP archive of the nightly version, or * Responsive skin set #wikiedit textarea max-height: 60vh (after discussion+tests at PmWiki:Skins-Talk).
Version 2.2.121 was released by mistake and contained some experimental code that was meant to be tested first.

  • Add test for iconv() and mb_convert_encoding(), refactor recode().

where "cond" names a condition to be tested, and "param" is a parameter or other argument to the condition.
cond1 is false, cond2 testing was ignored
A common use of these complex tests are for expressions like:

  • Jessica Tishmack - uploads, testing
  • Janice Heinold - early PmWiki testing and suggestions, documentation
  • James Davis - WikiStyles markup, testing
  • Glenn Blalock - WikiStyles suggestions, testing, documentation

Ian MacGregor - I've contributed with monetary donations, skins, bug reports and continued testing.

  • Dominique Faure - some core internals (condition evaluation), recipes & testing

The examples below all require PmWiki 2.2.58 (2013-12-25) or newer but the latest version is recommended.
If you want to print the current value of {$HideDiscussion} (for testing purposes) on the page, you'll also need to add the line: \\

  • When set to 1, "publishing" a draft version will clear the "draft" history, leaving a single "diff" between the latest and the previous "published" versions.
When set to 1, "publishing" a draft version will clear the "draft" history, leaving a single "diff" between the latest and the previous "published" versions.

Yes, see TableAndImage.

When testing variables in included pages the context of the page (source or target) can be useful.
How to test to see if the page is part of another page?

Download the latest stable version of PmWiki as a

Download the latest beta version from the PmWiki:Subversion page.
Unpack the archive (tar zxvf pmwiki-latest.tgz or unzip
For example, the current "latest" should unpack to a directory named pmwiki-2.4.2.

An alternative to the above would be to add to config.php the following, which tests if there is an XLPage in a group, and if it finds one it gets loaded (any language):

Start with the default snippet, make small modifications, and test if it works.

Inside of a page file, PmWiki stores the latest version of the markup text, and uses this to render the page.
The page history is kept as a sequence of differences between the latest version of the page and each previous version.
The following unix script (tested on MacOSX) will extract and decode the current text from a wiki file:

(:pagelist $:apagetextvar=t*,-test:)

lists pages having $:apagetextvar like 't*' but not 'test'.

Some common tests used to structure pagelist output are:
(See Test/EachCount for examples).

Testing if set or not set within a pagelist
equal "{$:PTV}" "":) will test if PTV is empty/unset or not.-]

For example you can test to see if the page is part of another page
How can I test if a variable is set and/or not empty?

This situation normally happens if you prepare everything on your local machine with the latest PHP version and you upload the passwords to a webserver which is running an older version.
Is it possible to test the password level for display and/or if condition?

This situation normally happens if you prepare everything on your local machine with the latest PHP version and you upload the passwords to a webserver which is running an older version.\\

They keys are tested in turn, and for each named file that exists, the browser is instructed to load the corresponding URL.

Upgrading is usually a simple matter of copying the latest version's files over the files of your existing PmWiki installation.

Last but not least, the documentation in English has been updated with the latest development (and in German by MFWolff).
It also includes updates for PHP 8, a fix of an emoji for non-UTF8 wikis, and the latest pages of the documentation.
Version 2.2.121 was released by mistake and contained some experimental code that was meant to be tested first.
The above new features are disabled by default, see the documentation for more information on how to enable them, or test them on where most of these are enabled.
This version allows the translation of the word "OK" in authentication forms. The documentation was updated to the latest state on
This release only updates the documentation to the latest state on
This release only updates the documentation to the latest state on
The documentation was updated to the latest state on
This release only updates the documentation to the latest state on
Some Apache installations try to execute a file which has ".php", ".pl" or ".cgi" anywhere in the filename, for example, "test.php.txt" may be executed.
The documentation was updated to its latest state from
This release only updates the documentation to the latest state on

  • A new (:if ontrail ...:) condition allows testing if a page is listed on a trail.

in testing, development, and/or documentation is greatly appreciated..

You are strongly advised to use PmWiki on the latest stable PHP version, or at least a PHP version that is still supported with security updates.
The latest PmWiki version is tested and should work with recent PHP versions.

In addition, there is a test at PmWiki:SiteAnalyzer that can be used to determine if your site is vulnerable.

How can I test/experiment with this feature?

The (:if test :) markup only lets the following text be displayed if the test succeeds.
The particular test being used here is auth upload which is only true if the current user is authorized to upload files to the wiki.
Depending on the security and permissions model on a given site, its not unusual to see many more conditional markups that test if, for example, a user has editing rights to the current page.

Test some skins installed

  1. Test your new skin.

You should test your skin on a variety of browsers -- ideally as many as you can, on as many different platforms as you can -- but at minimum you should be testing on the current version of Edge, Firefox, and Chrome, since those are the most common, and have different bugs, it is also useful to test on Safari and mobile browsers.
Don't forget to do things like resize windows and change text size during your testing.
Test wiki.
It's a better idea to set up a test wiki, either on your real webserver or on your own machine.

See also: the recipe Skins:TestPageDirectives can help you test your skins with combinations of the above directives.

It is recommended to get the latest versions of PmWiki and of all your addons -- known bugs would have been fixed.
This assumes the errors are fixed in the latest versions.
(1) First disable or comment out all addons and local configuration (config.php, farmconfig.php, Group.php) and test your wiki.
(2) Enable one local configuration or one addon and test your wiki to see if the error appears.
It is recommended to upgrade to the latest PmWiki version and update all addons and skins from the Cookbook.
PmWiki no longer relies on the deprecated feature since version 2.2.56 (it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version) but many recipes do.

Most of these should be easy to update -- please check if you're using the latest recipe versions, or report such cases to us.
Some skins disable the core styles and provide their own, if you notice any style issues with the latest version of your skin, try the above line.
How can I test a new version of PmWiki on my wiki without changing the prior version used by visitors?
This lets you test the new version using existing page content

The approach given here allows the administrator to install, configure, and test PmWiki 2.0 on an existing set of pages without risking an existing 1.x installation.
You need to install PmWiki 2.2.0beta42 to carry out the migration procedure, and then upgrade to the latest pmwiki version.
Step 2: Briefly test the PmWiki 2.0 installation and make sure it is working properly -- i.e., edit and save a couple of pages.
For example, my 2.0 test conversion uses:

For example, a file named "test.php.txt" may be executed.

For example, a file named "test.php.txt" may be executed.
For example, a file named "test.php.txt" may be executed.

If you start a new wiki in any language with the latest PmWiki version, it is highly recommended to enable UTF-8.
Make sure your editor does support this, and test by adding some non-ANSI UTF-8 characters, to see them in the text editor 1.
If your wiki doesn't have international page/file names, first upgrade to the latest PmWiki version.

  • you can run different versions of PmWiki on each wiki (good for testing new versions)
  • It is important to remember that not all of the recipes in the Cookbook have been written for or tested with farms. Be sure to look for instructions on how to use a recipe on a farm.

<link rel="stylesheet" href=" sites) data-theme="light" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" sites) data-theme="dark" disabled />
<script src=" sites) ></script>';

  • test for jell if necessary[1]
pectin test:[2] 1 tspn juice without seeds or rind, add 3 tspn meths, one firm lump will be found if pectin is present in sufficient quantities[3]
  • test for jell by cooling to see if viscous enough
  1. test to ensure they are cooked through, pierce with the tip of a sharp knife

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions count=4 order=-{$PageCount} thevar="{$PageCount}" fmt=#tc-pc list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions count=4 order=-{$TotalCount} thevar="{$TotalCount}" fmt=#tc-tc list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions name=Testt*,To* count=4 order=-{$PageViews} thevar={$PageViews} fmt=#tc-pv list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions name=Testt*,To* count=4 order=-{$PageCountToday} thevar='{$PageCountToday}' fmt=#tc-pct list=all:) (+18)

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=TestExtensions,Test category=extensions list=normal order=$Name fmt=#titlesummary :) (+12)

by skiwi: Page moved to TestExtensions.MessagesReplacement
by Petko: test new linebreak markups (+174)

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/]] forms.:) (+52)

2024 Aug 18 08:59 skiwi : Pm Wiki Plus/ (7637 bytes)

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/{$Name}]] extension.

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/{$Name}]] extension.

2024 Aug 01 21:15 skiwi : TTCTL Question Vars?/ (1520742 bytes)

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=Trips fmt="Test/TLQuestionVars#testcaption" count=2 wrap=none:) (:pagelist group=* fmt={$FullName}#testcaption count=1 wrap=none:) (-8)

by skiwi: Page moved to Test.DiagnosticMessages

by skiwi: Page moved to Test.PmSyntax

by Petko: (:thumb "Trips.2023-02-16Canada,TrailMaps/Whitewater trailmap_inside_22_23-01_-_glory_ridge.2400x1333p13x48_cr.png" usetemplate=1:) usetemplate Category: [[!Test]] (+25)
$[Displaying] {*$UpFile} Test (:noaction:)(:title {*$UpFile}:) {*$UpDirUpFile2} (+26)

by skiwi: test (+2)

by Petko: Test.Петко (+293)

by skiwi: Page copied to Test.PmInfo from Test.SimpleRecipeTemplate

by skiwi: add test (+129)

2022 Jan 26 13:40 by skiwi: new (+6)

2022 Jan 21 23:13 by skiwi: new (-678)

2022 Jan 17 12:13 by skiwi: summary (+23)

2022 Jan 07 09:10 by skiwi: layout (+25)

2020 Jun 05 21:35 by skiwi: not required (-335)

2020 Jun 05 21:35 by skiwi: not required (-2510)

2020 Jun 05 10:26 by skiwi: not required (-103)

2020 Apr 13 02:29 by skiwi: groups (+190)

2019 Dec 26 09:46 by skiwi: new (+91)

2017 Dec 09 09:13 by skiwi: tg (+3)

2017 Nov 10 10:01 by skiwi: test (+65)

2017 Nov 08 19:45 by skiwi: bye (-387)

2017 Jul 18 10:44 by Petko: Attach:exāmple.jpeg doesn't work either (+27)

2017 Jul 18 09:11 %item prev$PrevModifiedTime% by skiwi:

2017 Jun 28 10:15 by skiwi: test (+2)

2017 Mar 28 08:49 by skiwi: s (+183)

2016 Jul 26 19:40 by skiwi: new (+60)

2016 Jul 26 19:39 by skiwi: new (+9)

2016 Jul 26 19:39 by skiwi: new (+24)

2016 Jul 26 19:38 by skiwi: new (+6)

2016 Jul 26 19:38 by skiwi: new (+696)

2016 Jul 26 19:36 by skiwi: new (+191)

2016 Jul 26 19:23 by skiwi: new (+1105)

2016 Jul 26 19:18 by skiwi: new (+12)

2016 Feb 19 12:11 by skiwi: order2 (+12)

2015 Nov 11 21:31 by skiwi: new (+57)

2014 Oct 20 09:10 by simon?: test (+3)

2014 Aug 30 21:51 by skiwi: test (-204)

2014 Aug 17 11:10 by skiwi: test (+78)

2012 May 22 21:54 by skiwi: test

2011 Jun 18 22:56 by skiwi: test

group Friends,Family,Kidz,Siân,Adrian,Site*,Chris,Holly,Administration,Simon,Test

[[TestExtensions.PmWikiInfo|Test Extensions.PmWiki Info]]
[[Test.TotalCounter|Test.Total Counter]]
[[Test.SimpleRecipeTemplate|Test.Simple Recipe Template]]
[[TestExtensions.MessagesReplacement|Test Extensions.Messages Replacement]]
[[TestExtensions.HomePage|Test Extensions.Home Page]]
[[TestExtensions.PmWikiPlus|Test Extensions.PmWiki Plus]]
[[TestExtensions.PmWikiPlus|Test Extensions.Pm Wiki Plus]]
[[Test.MessagesReplacement|Test.Messages Replacement]]
[[Test.ExtensionsForms|Test.Extensions Forms]]
[[Test.PmWikiInfo|Test.PmWiki Info]]
[[TestExtensions.Template|Test Extensions.Template]]
[[Test.DiagnosticMessages|Test.Diagnostic Messages]]
[[Test.TTCTLQuestionVars|Test.TTCTL Question Vars]]
[[Test.TLQuestionVars|Test.TL Question Vars]]
[[Test.KWTLQuestionVars|Test.KWTL Question Vars]]
[[Test.HomePage|Test.Home Page]]
[[Test.PmWikiInfo|Test.Pm Wiki Info]]
[[Test.DebugMessages|Test.Debug Messages]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Huts|Test.NZ DoC-Huts]]
[[Test.AttachlistEnhanced|Test.Attachlist Enhanced]]
[[Test.GpxStat|Test.Gpx Stat]]
[[Test.CodeMirror|Test.Code Mirror]]
[[Test.PmSyntax|Test.Pm Syntax]]
[[Test.EmbedFacebook|Test.Embed Facebook]]
[[Test.AutoTel|Test.Auto Tel]]
[[Test.SearchCloud|Test.Search Cloud]]
[[Test.ChordPro|Test.Chord Pro]]
[[Test.NZTopo-APE|Test.NZ Topo-APE]]
[[Test.TextExtract|Test.Text Extract]]
[[Test.PmInfo|Test.Pm Info]]
[[Test.NZTopo-Attach|Test.NZ Topo-Attach]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Tracks|Test.NZ DoC-Tracks]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Campsites|Test.NZ DoC-Campsites]]
[[Test.ThumblistImageTemplate|Test.Thumblist Image Template]]
[[Test.NZTopo-Boxes|Test.NZ Topo-Boxes]]
[[Test.NZTopo-Zoom|Test.NZ Topo-Zoom]]
[[Test.NZTopo-Wishlist|Test.NZ Topo-Wishlist]]
[[Test.NZTopo-Attach-Errors|Test.NZ Topo-Attach-Errors]]
[[Test.NZDoC|Test.NZ DoC]]
[[Test.BoldMarkup|Test.Bold Markup]]
[[TableDB.Test8|Table DB.Test 8]]
[[Test.EmbedFacebook|Test.NZ DoC]]
[[Test.ProtectEmailOriginal|Test.Protect Email Original]]
[[Test.ProtectEmail|Test.Protect Email]]
[[Test.AttachDelete|Test.Attach Delete]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Campsites|Test.NZ Doc-Campsites]]
[[Test.NZDoC|Test.NZ Do C]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Tracks|Test.NZ Do C-Tracks]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Campsites|Test.NZ Do C-Campsites]]
[[Test.NZDoC-Huts|Test.NZ Do C-Huts]]
[[Test.TestEmbed|Test.Test Embed]]
[[Test.PageTableOfContents|Test.Page Table Of Contents]]
[[Test.ScotsNewsletter|Test.Scots Newsletter]]
[[Test.ThumblistDiacritics|Test.Thumblist Diacritics]]
[[Test.IconLink|Test.Icon Link]]
[[TableDB.Test5|Table DB.Test 5]]
[[TableDB.Test3|Table DB.Test 3]]
[[TableDB.Test2|Table DB.Test 2]]
[[TableDB.Test1|Table DB.Test 1]]
[[TableDB.Test6|Table DB.Test 6]]
[[TableDB.Test4|Table DB.Test 4]]
[[TableDB.TTCTest|Table DB.TTC Test]]
[[TableDB.TtcTest1|Table DB.Ttc Test 1]]
[[Test.ThumblistOrder|Test.Thumblist Order]]
[[Test.RatingSystem|Test.Rating System]]
[[Test.PageName|Test.Page Name]]
[[Test.GroupName|Test.Group Name]]
[[Test.SubgroupMarkup|Test.Subgroup Markup]]
[[Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1|Test.Subgroup Markup, Sub 1]]
[[Test.Page4|Test.Page 4]]
[[Test.Page3|Test.Page 3]]
[[Test.Page2|Test.Page 2]]
[[Test.UploadNameChars|Test.Upload Name Chars]]
[[Test.InterMap|Test.Inter Map]]
[[Test.HallPhotos|Test.Hall Photos]]
[[Test.LinkIcons|Test.Link Icons]]

Geonet Ruapehu web cam

Geonet Ngauruhoe web cam
Happy Valley is a sheltered area situated in a valley below the main carpark, with its own cafeteria and ski hire facilities, its own double seater chairlift for access only (the shortest chair lift in Australasia), a double chair, platter lift, and rope tow, and snow making.

APRA now lists Charles Tamai Nicholson as the composer of the song, a claim hotly contested by Ratapu family members who remember their dad composing the song after returning from his time in the army.

Her [C]father [G]saddled up his [C]fastest [G]steed, and [C]roamed the [G]valleys all [C]o[G]ver

2022 Jan 07 09:10 by skiwi: layout (+25)

2016 Jul 26 19:40 by skiwi: new (+60)

2016 Jul 26 19:39 by skiwi: new (+9)

2016 Jul 26 19:39 by skiwi: new (+24)

2016 Jul 26 19:38 by skiwi: new (+6)

2016 Jul 26 19:38 by skiwi: new (+696)

2016 Jul 26 19:36 by skiwi: new (+191)

2016 Jul 26 19:23 by skiwi: new (+1105)

2016 Jul 26 19:18 by skiwi: new (+12) sites)
Page Test1 shows a table directives table being read and being displayed with table directives.
Page Test2 shows an ordinary table being read and it is displayed with table directives!

  • I can read from tables using "tabledb Markup" - like (:tabledb from="Main.ReadTable1":) example is at page ReadTest1?.
  • start coding routines for ordinary tables - can be viewed on page test2

Memory testing

Hardware testing
See also TestDisk(approve sites)

  • cable tester(approve sites), not strictly necessary, but gives peace of mind, and I did find one mistake
  • to other participants in the solution including sys admins, db admins, testers, architects, and project managers

It can be quite complex if the project has modules that cannot be developed or tested before others are completed, or if it depends on the availability of external resources like developers, machines, access to special services or real-world objects, etc.
For example, you may choose to start by developing a mock-up version of some module, in order to allow the development and testing of another.
Testing and Debugging
Describe Unit and regression testing, see for example A Unit Testing Walkthrough with Visual Studio Team Test(approve sites), Walkthrough: Creating and Running Unit Tests(approve sites), CsUnit(approve sites).
Ensure special requirements for downstream testing, such as supporting date rolling, can be met.

  • Development (coding, testing, documentation, overhead)
  • Testing support
  • testing
  • Verifying Code by Using Unit Tests(approve sites)
  • Whare Kōrero Watch and listen to the latest Māori content from around the motu
$ApprovedUrlPagesFmt = array('Test.UrlApprovals');
$DefaultPasswords['approvesites'] = crypt('test');

Please remove the URLs from Url Approvals after approving them


testing and testing

Tested with the latest versions of Opera, Firefix, IE, and on IE 6.0

{Title: Title test example}
{T: Title test example}


Test if ChordPro CustomSyntax impacts normal PmWiki markup
Test all chords

To use this test open the attached file ConvertHTML test.html?,
Test example of HTML
<title>Test example for PmWiki ConvertHTML recipe</title>
<meta name="description" content="A test page to be used as input for the PmWiki Convert HTML recipe">
Test headings
This page tests the PmWiki convert html recipe.
Test tables
Test lists
Test links
Test images
Test forms


This page tests DeObMail


This page is Test.Diâcritic.
Try Test.Mācrōn or Test.Петко


Note: all these tests use the development version of EmbedFacebook - EmbedFacebooknew

Test the pathological cases.

PmWiki version {Test.Ftime$Version} PHP Version 5.4.24



Extension test pages
Recipe test pages
Category: Test

ball.jpg ball.jpg?
ball.jpeg ball.jpeg?
ball.png ball.png?
ball.gif ball.gif?
ball.bmp ball.bmp?

Testing out a "Category" Site.InterMap entry

Category: Test

ball.jpg ball.jpg?
ball.jpeg ball.jpeg?
ball.png ball.png?
ball.gif ball.gif?
ball.bmp ball.bmp?


Note: all these tests use the development version of NZDoC - NZDoCnew

Test the pathological cases.


Note: all these tests use the development version of NZDoC - NZDoCnew

Test Campsites


Note: all these tests use the development version of NZDoC - NZDoCnew



Note: all these tests use the development version of NZDoC - NZDoCnew

Test Tracks
Tests messages

See Cookbook.NZTopo, Cookbook:NZTopo, Test NZTopo-Zoom, Test NZTopo-Attach, and sites).
test gpx attachments

Tests use the development version of NZTopo - NZToponew
Test files are

When loaded to in the 'share map' add KML / GPX overlay, this is the 'test on map' link generated by topomap

See Cookbook.NZTopo, Cookbook.NZTopoAPI, Cookbook:NZTopo, Test NZTopo-Zoom, Test NZTopo-Attach-Errors, and
Test kml attachments (single rawurlencode)
Test kml (3) attachments (single rawurlencode, no rawurldecode)
test gpx attachments
Test label quotation

Tests use the development version of NZTopo - NZToponew
Test files are

When loaded to sites) in the 'share map' add KML / GPX overlay, this is the 'test on map' link generated by topomap

  • kml sites) (pasted with spaces) (fails)
  • kml sites) (pasted with %20) (works)
  • gpx sites) (works)

See Cookbook.NZTopo, Cookbook:NZTopo, Test NZTopo-Zoom, Test NZTopo-Attach, and sites).
Test kml (2) attachments (double rawurlencode)
Test kml (3) attachments (single rawurlencode, no rawurldecode)
Test kml (4) attachments (double rawurlencode, no rawurldecode)
test gpx attachments

Tests use the development version of NZTopo - NZToponew
Test label quotation
Test nzne
Test nzbs
Test llbs
Test topo50

Tests use the development version of NZTopo - NZToponew
What it does now with {Test.NZTopo-Wishlist$:z}

Tests use the development version of NZTopo - NZToponew
Test zoom 5 to 15




Used by Code Mirror

variable: variable from Test.PageName

Heading before tests
Test heading
Another test heading

Test also on PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex
<< | PmSyntax | >>

  • {Test.PmSyntax$Titlespaced}
  • {{Test.PmSyntax$Name}$Titlespaced}
  • {{Test.PmSyntax$Group}.{Test.PmSyntax$Name}$Titlespaced}
  1. {Test.PmSyntax$:variable}
  2. {{Test.PmSyntax$Name}$:variable}
  3. {{Test.PmSyntax$Group}.{Test.PmSyntax$Name}$:variable}

[[~skiwi]] 2015 Apr 12 10:52 remove bracketing to test
[[~skiwi]] remove bracketing to test

test \ join line test \\ line break

page name
link text or [link text]
Page Name (titled link)
[1] (anonymous numerical reference link)
link text
[2]? (anonymous numerical reference link)
link text (to refer to an anchor in another page)
caption 1
| caption 2

Test:examplewith: colon
Test:examplewithout colon

test group

CodeMirror yyy HomePage
CodeMirror yyy: HomePage

xxx CodeMirror yyy: HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy HomePage

xxx:: CodeMirror yyy: HomePage
xxx CodeMirror yyy
Test:examplewithout colon
Test:examplewith: colon

A variety of {Test.PmSyntax$variables} and {Test.PmSyntax$:pagetextvariables} can be seen, and are grayed out.

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions count=4 order=-{$PageCount} thevar="{$PageCount}" fmt=#tc-pc list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions count=4 order=-{$TotalCount} thevar="{$TotalCount}" fmt=#tc-tc list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions name=Testt*,To* count=4 order=-{$PageViews} thevar={$PageViews} fmt=#tc-pv list=all:) (:pagelist group=Test,TestExtensions name=Testt*,To* count=4 order=-{$PageCountToday} thevar='{$PageCountToday}' fmt=#tc-pct list=all:) (+18)

by skiwi: Page moved to TestExtensions.MessagesReplacement

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/]] forms.:) (+52)

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/{$Name}]] extension.

2024 Aug 01 21:15 skiwi : TTCTL Question Vars?/ (1520742 bytes)

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=Trips fmt="Test/TLQuestionVars#testcaption" count=2 wrap=none:) (:pagelist group=* fmt={$FullName}#testcaption count=1 wrap=none:) (-8)

by skiwi: Page moved to Test.DiagnosticMessages

by skiwi: Page moved to Test.PmSyntax

by Petko: Test.Петко (+293)

by skiwi: Page copied to Test.PmInfo from Test.SimpleRecipeTemplate

by skiwi: add test (+129)

2022 Jan 26 13:40 by skiwi: new (+6)

2022 Jan 21 23:13 by skiwi: new (-678)

2022 Jan 17 12:13 by skiwi: summary (+23)

2020 Jun 05 21:35 by skiwi: not required (-335)

2020 Jun 05 21:35 by skiwi: not required (-2510)

2020 Jun 05 10:26 by skiwi: not required (-103)

2020 Apr 13 02:29 by skiwi: groups (+190)

2019 Dec 26 09:46 by skiwi: new (+91)

2017 Dec 09 09:13 by skiwi: tg (+3)

2017 Nov 10 10:01 by skiwi: test (+65)

2017 Nov 08 19:45 by skiwi: bye (-387)

2017 Jul 18 10:44 by Petko: Attach:exāmple.jpeg doesn't work either (+27)

2017 Jul 18 09:11 %item prev$PrevModifiedTime% by skiwi:

2017 Jun 28 10:15 by skiwi: test (+2)

2017 Mar 28 08:49 by skiwi: s (+183)

2016 Feb 19 12:11 by skiwi: order2 (+12)

2015 Nov 11 21:31 by skiwi: new (+57)

2014 Oct 20 09:10 by simon?: test (+3)

2014 Aug 30 21:51 by skiwi: test (-204)

2014 Aug 17 11:10 by skiwi: test (+78)

2012 May 22 21:54 by skiwi: test

2011 Jun 18 22:56 by skiwi: test

2009 Nov 25 21:18 by Skiwi: Page moved to Test.DeleteMe from Aotearoa.DeleteMe

2009 Nov 13 19:54 by Skiwi: add test

2009 Oct 17 21:26 Skiwi : RecentUploadsLog/ (18017 bytes)

2009 Oct 14 22:52 by Skiwi: Page moved to Test.RecentUploadsLog from Test.ReecentUploadsLog

Testing markup with no cells
Testing markup with no cells

Test search for

* [[ | +++---==]

See Cookbook.SimpleRecipeTemplate, Cookbook:SimpleRecipeTemplate, and TestExtensions.PmWikiInfo.

Note: all these tests use the development version of SimpleRecipeTemplate - SimpleRecipeTemplatenew

Test the pathological cases.

Diag is enabled

Test usage of brackets to hide text in links

Back to SubgroupMarkup.

  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Title}
  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Titlespaced}
  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Name}
  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Namespaced}
  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Group}
  • {Test.SubgroupMarkup,Sub1$Groupspaced}

Test Thumb on order of captionfmt and titlefmt
Test Thumb on .gif that did not thumbnail correctly
Test Thumb on a file with a diacritic character in the file name





Toggle tests
Also test the show hide toggle for Topics and Changes in the side bar?.

TotalCounter version {Test.TotalCounter$TotalCounterVersion}

{Test.TotalCounter$TotalCount}:{$TotalCount}total pages visited
{Test.TotalCounter$PageCount}:{$PageCount}current page views.
{Test.TotalCounter$PageViews}:{$PageViews}gives the page views of the page MyPage.
{Test.TotalCounter$TotalCounterVersion}:{$TotalCounterVersion}displays the current version
{Test.TotalCounter$TotalCounterMaxItems}:{$TotalCounterMaxItems}displays the maximum count of items displayed for each chart
{Test.TotalCounter$PageCountToday}:{$PageCountToday}displays the count of pages visited today

Extension test pages
Category: Test Extensions


  1. testcaption


Note: all these tests use the development version of Messages - MessagesReplacementnew


See Cookbook.PmWikiInfo, Cookbook:PmWikiInfo on PmWiki, and TestExtensions.PmWikiInfo.

Note: all these tests use the development version PmWikiInfonew

Test PmWikiInfo

SiteAdmin.Extension Hub
KiwiWiki {TestExtensions.PmWikiPlus$Namespaced}

by skiwi: (:pagelist group=TestExtensions,Test category=extensions list=normal order=$Name fmt=#titlesummary :) (+12)

2024 Aug 18 08:59 skiwi : Pm Wiki Plus/ (7637 bytes)

by skiwi: (:Summary:Testing the [[Extensions/{$Name}]] extension.


  1. testcaption

group={TestExtensions.TTCTLQuestionVars$Group}; name={TestExtensions.TTCTLQuestionVars$Name};

  1. testcaption

2009-09-04 10.30.24 P1000292 Simon.jpeg | Whitestar Express and McDougall's Quad

2020-08-04 14.02.03 LG6 Simon - Adrian at the top of Whitestar Express.jpeg | Adrian at the top of Whitestar Express

(:searchbox fmt=extract:)
(:pagelist fmt=extract 'test' count=10:)

Search results for   test 10 results on 7 pages from 1331 pages searched

Join the black out protest against it!"]]

While you can test and operate your website simply using an IP address,

You can see some examples here, and a test page here.

  • change all font-size: xxpt; to font-size: yyem; (see conversion(approve sites))

Page last modified on 2022 Oct 30 08:48

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