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Philip viewing a Top Dingle Hut morning
Top Dingle Hut morning
morning view up the Dingle Burn
Top Dingle Burn Hut in the morning
ready to leave Top Dingle Hut
looking up the Dingle Burn
heading down the slope from Top Dingle Hut
Bruce Simon and Philip half an hour from the hut
crossing the broad grassy fans
Simon Brian and Philip in upper Dingle Burn view upstream
Dingle Burn travel
rest stop and view upstream
nearing Ben Avon Hut
historic Ben Avon Hut
Bruce outside Ben Avon Hut
Bruce and Simon outside historic Ben Avon Hut
Bruce and Philip inside Ben Avon Hut
at Ben Avon Hut
heading down the grassy terraces
looking back up valley
Simon and Bruce and view downstream
almost at Cotters Hut
Simon, Bruce and Brian at the tiny Cotters Hut
left the sidle track behind
rocky Dingle Burn
crossing the Dingle Burn
in the Dingle Burn
Brian crossing the Dingle Burn
Simon swimming
trampers and slip
at Bush Hut
Simon reading in Bush Hut
Bruce checking dinner
Bush Hut
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