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2024-03-02 Sat Skiing Yakebitaiyama

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Shiga Kōgen Yakebitaiyama mountain map
Shiga Kōgen Yakebitaiyama mountain_map_cr.jpg: 3035x1675, 1399k (2024 Mar 04 11:31)
Shiga Kōgen Yakebitaiyama mountain map

Weekday 2024-03-02, day 02

Shiga Kōgen Logo

Prince Hotels logo

At the Prince Hotel East Wing skiing Yakebitaiyama
We started skiing at 10:00 and explored Yakebitaiyama. At the end of the day, we took the lift to Ichinose Diamond and crossed the road to do one run up the Ichinose Quad before finishing at 16:30. We caught the shuttle at 17:30 to Ichinose, and returned at 20:00.

First breakfast at the Prince Hotel
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 08.08.10; '2024 Mar 02 12:08'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 3,320 kB
2024-03-02 08.08.10 S21FE+ Jim - First breakfast at the Prince Hotel.jpeg
First breakfast at the Prince Hotel

Photo: Jim

West Wing Dining room at breakfast
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 08.08.23; '2024 Mar 02 12:08'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,816 kB
2024-03-02 08.08.23 S21FE+ Jim - West Wing Dining room at breakfast.jpeg
West Wing Dining room at breakfast
Photo: Jim
Adrian and Jim at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 08.09.17; '2024 Mar 02 12:09'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 13,379 kB
2024-03-02 08.09.17 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Jim at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing.jpeg
Adrian and Jim at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
Adrian and Kevin at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 08.19.47; '2024 Mar 02 12:19'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 11,797 kB
2024-03-02 08.19.47 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing.jpeg
Adrian and Kevin at breakfast Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
View from stairs of Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 09.22.11; '2024 Mar 02 13:22'
Original size: 9,210 x 9,131; 4,995 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 09.22.11 S20+ Simon - view from stairs of Prince Hotel East Wing_stitch.jpg
View from stairs of Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
Entrance to Shiga Kōgen Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 09.23.00; '2024 Mar 02 13:23'
Original size: 13,986 x 5,941; 6,710 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 09.23.00 S20+ Simon - Entrance to Shiga Kōgen Prince Hotel East Wing_stitch.jpg
Entrance to Shiga Kōgen Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Simon
Prince Hotel East room
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 09.26.41; '2024 Mar 02 13:26'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,405 kB
2024-03-02 09.26.41 S21FE+ Jim - Prince Hotel East room.jpeg
Prince Hotel East room
Photo: Jim
Prince Hotel East room entrance
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 09.26.53; '2024 Mar 02 13:26'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,263 kB
2024-03-02 09.26.53 S21FE+ Jim - Prince Hotel East room entrance.jpeg
Prince Hotel East room entrance
Photo: Jim
Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 09.55.47; '2024 Mar 02 13:55'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,492 kB
2024-03-02 09.55.47 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Wing.jpeg
Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
Kevin  and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 09.58.23; '2024 Mar 02 13:58'
Original size: 2,849 x 1,960; 5,039 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 09.58.23 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin  and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing_stitch.jpg
Kevin and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
Jim ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 09.59.01; '2024 Mar 02 13:59'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 19,147 kB
2024-03-02 09.59.01 S20+ Simon - Jim ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama.jpeg
Jim ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama
Photo: Simon
Keving ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 09.59.33; '2024 Mar 02 13:59'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 14,760 kB
2024-03-02 09.59.33 S20+ Simon - Keving ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama.jpeg
Keving ready to start skiing at Yakebitaiyama
Photo: Simon
Kevin, Adrian, and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 10.00.01; '2024 Mar 02 14:00'
Original size: 2,719 x 2,719; 2,460 kB; cr
2024-03-02 10.00.01 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin, Adrian, and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing_cr.jpg
Kevin, Adrian, and Simon outside Prince Hotel East Wing
Photo: Jim
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin on Yakebitaiyama E2 course
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 12.17.01; '2024 Mar 02 16:17'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 25,721 kB
2024-03-02 12.17.01 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin on Yakebitaiyama E2 course.jpeg
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin on Yakebitaiyama E2 course
Photo: Simon
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama E1 course
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 14.16.23; '2024 Mar 02 18:16'
Original size: 11,750 x 5,885; 11,154 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 14.16.23 S20+ Simon - Jim, Kevin, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama E1 course_stitch.jpg
Jim, Kevin, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama E1 course
Photo: Simon
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the top of Yakebitaiyama Gondola Number  1
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 14.36.52; '2024 Mar 02 18:36'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 13,719 kB
2024-03-02 14.36.52 S20+ Simon - Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the top of Yakebitaiyama Gondola Number 1.jpeg
Jim, Adrian, and Kevin at the top of Yakebitaiyama Gondola Number 1
Photo: Simon
Kevin, Simon, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B2 course
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 14.39.05; '2024 Mar 02 18:39'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 3,036 kB
2024-03-02 14.39.05 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin, Simon, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B2 course.jpeg
Kevin, Simon, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B2 course
Photo: Jim
Yakebitaiyama B2 course
Photo: Adrian
2024-03-02 14.42.30; '2024 Mar 02 18:42'
Original size: 12,727 x 6,896; 14,442 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 14.42.30 S20+ Adrian - Yakebitaiyama B2 course_stitch.jpg
Yakebitaiyama B2 course
Photo: Adrian
Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B1 Course
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 14.42.53; '2024 Mar 02 18:42'
Original size: 5,089 x 2,127; 1,945 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 14.42.53 S21FE+ Jim - Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B1 Course_stitch.jpg
Adrian on Yakebitaiyama B1 Course
Photo: Jim
Jim and Simon riding Ichinose Yamanokami pair lift
Photo: Adrian
2024-03-02 14.51.35; '2024 Mar 02 18:51'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,928; 19,245 kB
2024-03-02 14.51.35 S20+ Adrian - Jim and Simon riding Ichinose Yamanokami pair lift.jpeg
Jim and Simon riding Ichinose Yamanokami pair lift
Photo: Adrian
Kevin, Adrian, and Jim at the top of Ichinose Diamond
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 14.59.23; '2024 Mar 02 18:59'
Original size: 17,495 x 6,131; 19,337 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 14.59.23 S20+ Simon - Kevin, Adrian, and Jim at the top of Ichinose Diamond_stitch.jpg
Kevin, Adrian, and Jim at the top of Ichinose Diamond
Photo: Simon
Adrian, Simon  and Kevin at the top of the Ichinose Quad
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 15.14.28; '2024 Mar 02 19:14'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,405 kB
2024-03-02 15.14.28 S21FE+ Jim - Adrian, Simon. and Kevin at the top of the Ichinose Quad.jpeg
Adrian, Simon and Kevin at the top of the Ichinose Quad
Photo: Jim
Ichinose looking back to Prince West
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 15.14.36; '2024 Mar 02 19:14'
Original size: 4,228 x 2,626; 845 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 15.14.36 S21FE+ Jim - Ichinose looking back to Prince West_stitch.jpeg
Ichinose looking back to Prince West
Photo: Jim
Yakebitaiyama from top of Ichinose Quad
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 15.15.02; '2024 Mar 02 19:15'
Original size: 7,899 x 2,981; 4,577 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 15.15.02 S21FE+ Jim - Yakebitaiyama from top of Ichinose Quad_stitch.jpg
Yakebitaiyama from top of Ichinose Quad
Photo: Jim
Adrian at the top of the Ichinose Quad
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 15.15.54; '2024 Mar 02 19:15'
Original size: 16,742 x 6,455; 10,916 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 15.15.54 S20+ Simon - Adrian at the top of the Ichinose Quad_stitch.jpg
Adrian at the top of the Ichinose Quad
Photo: Simon
Kevin, Jim, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama A6 course
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 16.12.55; '2024 Mar 02 20:12'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 19,791 kB
2024-03-02 16.12.55 S20+ Simon - Kevin, Jim, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama A6 course.jpeg
Kevin, Jim, and Adrian on Yakebitaiyama A6 course
Photo: Simon
Kevin at the start of Yakebitaiyama A6 course
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 16.13.00; '2024 Mar 02 20:13'
Original size: 12,995 x 6,288; 16,804 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 16.13.00 S20+ Simon - Kevin at the start of Yakebitaiyama A6 course_stitch.jpg
Kevin at the start of Yakebitaiyama A6 course
Photo: Simon
Kevin, Adrian, and Simon on Yakebitaiyama A5 course
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 16.15.15; '2024 Mar 02 20:15'
Original size: 2,992 x 2,992; 2,663 kB
2024-03-02 16.15.15 S21FE+ Jim - Kevin, Adrian, and Simon on Yakebitaiyama A5 course.jpeg
Kevin, Adrian, and Simon on Yakebitaiyama A5 course
Photo: Jim
Adrian, Kevin, and Jim on Yakebitaiyama D3 course
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 16.22.40; '2024 Mar 02 20:22'
Original size: 9,248 x 6,936; 14,091 kB
2024-03-02 16.22.40 S20+ Simon - Adrian, Kevin, and Jim on Yakebitaiyama D3 course.jpeg
Adrian, Kevin, and Jim on Yakebitaiyama D3 course
Photo: Simon
Adrian and Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Building
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 16.25.14; '2024 Mar 02 20:25'
Original size: 13,658 x 6,049; 10,078 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 16.25.14 S20+ Simon - Adrian and Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Building_stitch.jpg
Adrian and Kevin outside Prince Hotel East Building
Photo: Simon
Prince East my room window
Photo: Jim
2024-03-02 16.25.54; '2024 Mar 02 20:25'
Original size: 2,914 x 2,914; 2,352 kB; str
2024-03-02 16.25.54 S21FE+ Jim - Prince East my room window_str.jpeg
Prince East my room window
Photo: Jim
View From My Room
Photo: Simon
2024-03-02 16.43.17; '2024 Mar 02 20:43'
Original size: 16,792 x 5,785; 9,510 kB; stitch
2024-03-02 16.43.17 S20+ Simon - view from my room_stitch.jpg
View From My Room
Photo: Simon

Ski tracks

Trips.2024-03-01ShigaKōgenAndŌsaka,Maps/2024-03-02 nzm Shiga Kōgen Yakebitai skiing final.gpx

Start: 09:59 Distance: 51.2 km Max elev: 2,068 m Duration moving: 05:24 h
End: 16:26 Max speed: 55 km/h Ascent: 5,250 m Duration ascent: 02:37 h
Duration: 06:27 h Avg dsc speed: 9.8 km/h Descent: 5,250 m Duration descent: 02:36 h
Dinner at Ichinose

Trips.2024-03-01ShigaKōgenAndŌsaka,Maps/2024-03-02 nzm Ichinose final.gpx

Distance: 8.5 km Duration: 02:29 h Duration moving: 02:16 h
Avg moving speed: 3.7 km/h GpxStat Max elev: 1,697 m
Start: 17:28 End: 19:57 Min elev: 1,588 m

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tahi Page last modified on 2024 Mar 30 17:23

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