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Lumberjack Cake

Lumberjack Cake

from Cathie for 21cm round tin

First mix: Simmer together

1½ cups water, three apples (peeled and grated), 100gm dates, 3 dessert spoons port

until dates soften. Allow to cool adding 1 tsp baking soda while mixture is still warm

Second mix: Mix together the following:

1 cup brown flour 2 eggs 100gm butter 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup self raising wholemeal flour 1 cup self raising flour ½ tsp salt

  • Mix both mixtures together once first mixture has cooled, adding a little milk if too dry (should be rather wet)
  • Cook slowly, 310-320°F for about 1 hour
  • When cake has been cooking for about ¾ hour and is quite firm (but not fully cooked) add topping

Topping: Mix in pot

75gm butter 1 cup shredded coconut ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup milk

Cook for a few minutes stirring all the time

Serves 1

tahi Page last modified on 2022 May 14 14:42

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